Dowel-Pro or Use Dowel Centers?

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Corporate Member
I got a Dowel-Pro last week, and tried my hand at it last night. I can get the holes to line up, and the joint areas are tight and clean. But the holes are not always centered in the edge of the wood, because the Dowel-Pro has three hole sizes (1/4", 5/16", and 3/8"), and guidelines for which size hole for a range of wood thicknesses (or is it thicknessi:icon_scra ).

I also have do-wicky's for marking the center of a dowel and mortise (big two-syllable word for dowel hole :dontknow: ). So I can get the dowels centered in all the stock.

I am buidling a cabinet of 1"x4" cedar that won't contain much weight. I won't call it anything better until I get closer to finish (pun intended). Need I worry about having the dowels centered?


New User
Pete Davio
don't know much about the rest of your question, but I am concerned about your use of the do-wicky. It sounds particularly unsafe, and possibly inaccurate, in such cases as yours, I stick to my trusty (and OSHA approved) thing-a-ma-jig (tm) unless of course the piece to be joined is wider than 8 inches which would call for the thing-a-ma-bob MkIII - but I can't be sure, I don't have the $$$ to invest in whatchamacallits like that!:rotflm:


New User
I have a dowel jig I bought for a single project (used on splayed legs) and it is self centering. It was worth the price for end grain drilling.

My Latin is rusty, I would just go with "thickness". Tom :slap: Chuck

I can't understand from the description exactly what you are trying to do so I won't make recommendations. Are the dowels going to be load bearing? Visible?



Corporate Member
Chuck, the dowels will be used for 2 shelves inside the box. There will be 3 2"Hx5"Wx4"D piston-fit drawers on each shelf. No load bearing.

My question: do I need to dowels centered in the stock (3/4" to 1" wide), or is it OK for them to be a little off-center? My main concern would be the wood splitting as the glue dries around the dowel.


New User
Having your dowels a little off-center isn't going to hurt anything. Often it is done intensionally along with tenons to be able to place the dowel hole/mortise in a better location on the mating piece.
As long as the dowel holes match up on both mating pieces you're in good shape.
Dowel centers are great for marking the relative position of an already drilled hole on the mating piece. Doweling jigs help you with repeatable alignment and drilling straight in end grain.


New User
Chuck, the dowels will be used for 2 shelves inside the box. There will be 3 2"Hx5"Wx4"D piston-fit drawers on each shelf. No load bearing.

My question: do I need to dowels centered in the stock (3/4" to 1" wide), or is it OK for them to be a little off-center? My main concern would be the wood splitting as the glue dries around the dowel.

Late to the reply!! What DaveO said!



New User
Good for you for taking up the challenge. The ones who have never failed, have never tried :icon_thum

Now we need some pics :-D

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