Corporate Member Designation/Discount Eligibility


Corporate Member
Sorry but couldn't noodle this out on my own in site references.

I have been "opted in" as a corporate member for a number of years. Just now I see I am an "Active Member". Checking my current preferences I am still "opted in" as a Corporate Member. I have been recently active in postings and I keep logging in to this site regularly so I think I should still be designated a corporate member. Maybe something has changed and I just missed the announcement but could someone help/advise me here?

As a related issue I visited The Hardwood Store (an NCWW sponsor) where I spent several hundred dollars on a lumber order. My question here there a discount for NCWW members at The Hardware Store and how much is it? My main reasons for driving the 1 1/2 hrs. (one way) to Gibsonville was to support one of our sponsors and, to be honest, take advantage of any NCWW member discount they might offer. Maybe I got the NCWW discount (10 cents/BdFt) but it seemed small frankly and I didn't pursue it at the time since I didn't know what was what. So I'm asking for someone to straighten me out on what the Hardwood Store discount is for NCWW members if any.

Of course the additional question is whether or not my designation here as an "Active Member" rather than a "Corporate Member" factored into the discount I received. I assume The Hardwood Store, like other businesses giving NCWW members a discount, use a member list provided by NCWW to identify our members. I doubt any lag time associated with list updates would apply here but maybe I'm wrong.

Thanks for your consideration.

Mike Davis

Corporate Member
Here is the list of discount options. It is in Preferences.

Screen Shot 2024-09-09 at 1.37.07 PM.png


Staff member
Corporate Member
Ray, I am looking at your post and it says you are a Corporate Member. What I recall of the Hardwood Store discounts is we get the next level pricing. So if the price is $7.50 a bf for 1-99 bf and price for 100-199 bf is $7.30 a bf you get the cheaper price even though you are buying less.


Corporate Member
Thanks Mike and Scott. I understand. I guess I made one of those fatal "assume" errors. I now know The Hardwood Store doesn't show on our list of NCWW "discount" businesses. Also I see I am back to being a Corporate Member.

Most of my order was Baltic Birch Plywood. I bought an additional board of 8/4 Wenge (5 Bd Ft) and a board of 5/4 Sapele (4 Bd Ft). The cashier told me I got a discount of 10 cents a Bd Ft.
By my math that saved me 90 cents. I should also say that since I was buying more than 3 sheets of BB Ply I saved $5/ sheet (I bought 8 sheets). So overall, on a $700+ order I did save $40.90. That did pay for my gas on the trip.

Now, I know that I (and only I) am responsible for my own decisions and for knowing ahead of time what's what when buying stuff. It is what it is.

That said though, I have two questions:

(1.) What is the definition of a NCWW "sponsor" and how do we interact with one another? (I'm vaguely aware that sponsor organizations contribute to supporting our site in some way; and we carry their banner/ad on our sidebar; but a brief clarification might be informative to all here.)

(2.) Has NCWW, as an organization, asked The Hardwood Store to consider giving qualified NCWW Corporate Members more of a discount? From what I've seen here our members frequently direct those seeking a source of lumber to their stores. It seems a 10% discount on lumber would be a reasonable ask.

Thanks for caring guys/gals.


Board of Directors, Webmaster
Staff member
Corporate Member
Ray, we currently have one designated sponsor, and that is Klingspor's, who also advertises on our site. Coleman has gone above and beyond with his support of our organization, we (NCWW Board) felt this was a great way to give him the recognition.

As for the discount for The Hardwood Store, we currently do not have anything we send them, nor has anything been setup or agreed with them for any discounts they are giving to our members.

I hope this helps answer your questions.


Corporate Member
I knew about Klingspor being a Premier Sponsor, and support them too. I saw The Hardwood Store listed under "Our Sponsors", therefor my confusion.
We've spent enough time on this. Thanks for setting me straight. I'm out.

Premier Sponsor

Our Sponsors

