Burning down the shop...

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New User
Mike, welcome to North Carolina Woodworker; I think that you'll find that this is a great group of folks.

Unfortunately, I too know how devasting a shop fire can be; I lost mine in June of 2008. I will never forget the many North Carolina Woodworker members - most of whom I had not even met before - that came out and spent a day or two helping me to clean up and catalog everything after the fire. Their generosity provided a needed lift during a very difficult time.

I look forward to seeing your projects and reading your contributions.


Scott Smith

Welcome Mike and man i am sorry to hear such disheartening news. Thanks for sharing so we all can glean from one another and thus make all of our lives better.

Scott would you mind sharing exactly what the cause was of your shop fire, i am not familiar with it, and if you wouldn't mind sharing i think the vast majority of us could indeed benefit from it. Wow, this seems to have happened to several people, i am wondering if the majority of the fires are created by this 'finish' culprit or not?

Thanks guys, Chris
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