Anti-Vibration Gloves for Sanding?

Darl Bundren

Senior User
I'm working through sanding some small parts, and using my Festool 150/3 became cumbersome quickly. I picked up a Bosch 5" RO sander, and it's buzzier than my Festool. Has anybody tried antivibration gloves for sanding? Any preference if you have?


Corporate Member
Yes, they work. They will help prevent nerve damage to the hands and lessen the pain if the hands are arthritic.

I used them in the past at work when sanding/painting aircraft, but that was an extreme case. Pneumatic DA sanders, with about 40% overhead and 20% vertical surfaces, so we had to supply all the pressure without gravity assist. During the prep phase, we would be actively sanding for 6 hours of an eight hour shift. I would go through a pair about every three months.

Ours were supplied by the employer, so I do not recall the brand. I used the ones without the finger tips covered as it made it easier to peel off the worn disks, but 20 years later, I have developed some numbness and pain in my fingertips that I can't otherwise account for. As I said, mine was extreme usage over an eight year period.
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Darl Bundren

Senior User
Yes, they work. They will help prevent nerve damage to the hands and lessen the pain if the hands are arthritic.

I used them in the past at work when sanding/painting aircraft, but that was an extreme case. Pneumatic DA sanders, with about 40% overhead and 20% vertical surfaces, so we had to supply all the pressure without gravity assist. During the prep phase, we would be actively sanding for 6 hours of an eight hour shift. I would go through a pair about every three months.

Ours were supplied by the employer, so I do not recall the brand. I used the ones without the finger tips covered as it made it easier to peel off the worn disks, but 20 years later, I have developed some numbness and pain in my fingertips that I can't otherwise account for. As I said, mine was extreme usage over an eight year period.
That volume of sanding sounds like straight up work. Yikes. Thanks for the insight--I am going to investigate further and see if I can sort out reputable brands.

Martin Roper

Senior User
There are all kinds of anti-vibration gloves on Amazon. I used to ride motorcycles and had a pair of gloves that looked like these.


They made a long ride more tolerable.

Some of these mechanics gloves look even better.



Corporate Member
Good vibration gloves have gel filled pads to absorb the vibration. Most mechanics gloves just have wear pads.


You can check out this video. It won't answer the anti glove question. But the video ranks the ro sanders and one criteria was about hand fatigue


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