another new guy

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New User
Hi all, My name is matt and i am yet another new guy to this group. Quite glad i found it too! I discovered wood working by accident back in the early 90's and realised i rather quite liked it. Currently I am working as a tech/woodworker for the North carolina Museum of History. Next year we are opening a comprehensive exhibit on the life and work of Thomas Day. As part of this exhibit I am tasked with building the following: 1 Roubo style workbench, 1 greatwheel lathe, 1 bowspring jigsaw, and 1 foot treadle fret saw. I would be quite interested in talking with anyone in the group who has any experience or interest in these items. The roubo bench is about 1/2 done. black ash top and vintage heartpine trestle. Thanks all for this group and i look forward meeting you guys.


Mt. Gomer

New User
Wow! That sounds like a wonderful job! I'm sure you'll find all the help you need right here at NCWW. Welcome!


Ray Martin

New User
Hello Matt,

Welcome to the NCWW pile-o-sawdust. Glad you found us and decided to join us. One of the things you discover about us is that we love photos... photos of projects, shops, tools, wood, shop critters, etc. I would love to see the projects you are working on for the museum.


New User
Welcome! You need to get in touch with John (02blues)! I think you two would have a lot to talk about!


New User
Welcome Matt, I am glad you could join us. I look forward to your input in the forums. If you have an interest in Thomas Day you should really get in touch with Jerome B as he has a lot of experience in that realm. I would also recommend 02blues for the lathe. I used his spring-pole lathe a while back...what a workout.
BTW your job sounds awesome, I'm jealous. We need a little info into how your got hooked up with that position

See you around!!!



Welcome to the best virtual sawdust pile in the Universe, Matt! We're happy you found us and it sounds like you have some interesting projects ahead of you. First, I'd recommend you attend the mid-January meeting of the Mid-West Tool Collectors Association in Hillsborough (there is a currect thread on the meeting) and look up Tarhead (Mark Fogelman), a member here and a hand tool enthusiast. I'm sure that Ed Hobbs will be at that meeting as well (he is currect President of the M-WTCA) and he has an astounding collection of foot-powered tools including fret (scroll) saws. He lives on the south side of Raleigh near the NC State Univ. Ag. Center off Lake Wheeler Road. Another member to chack with here is Jerome B (Jerome Bias) who is an accomplished furniture maker and is conversant with Thomas Day's work (he is also active in SAPFM). Others here have built Roubo benches as well, so you'll find this a good resource for information.

Glad you found us!

Trent Mason

New User
Trent Mason
Welcome to the site Matt! :eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap Sounds like you have one of the coolest jobs EVER. :notworthy: Those are some great projects. Others have given you great suggestions on who to contact. Looking forward to seeing some of your work and that exhibit sounds like a great time. :icon_thum


New User
Glad you joined our little slice of woodworker's heaven Matt. The leads that folks have passed on should get you headed in the right direction. Let's us know how those projects are progressing.


New User
Thanks for all the comments and the contacts. Jerome is currently consulting with us on this project and i have spoken with him many times as well as Ed hobbs, in fact i traveled out to his place to see his collection. The Time frame is what is being problematic, i need to reproduce tools in use from approximately 1820 to 1840. references for such tools is proving difficult. i will be in contact with blues02 as soon as i can.
Thanks again for all the replies

Mike Davis

Corporate Member
I wish I lived closer to Raleigh. (never thought I would say that!)

Sounds like you will need the services of a good blacksmith to make your tools authentic to the age. No machined bolts back then, everything was hand forged. Hill is a member here and lives near Asheville, he may be interested in your work.

I also know a blacksmith in Colfax. If you are interested I'll get his info for you.

I think Kyle does a little blacksmithing too.
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