First off, those look great!. Sand them to 220 minmum first. Then, If you dont want to change the color at all , (I personally wouldnt, but its a personal thing) I would apply 2 coats of Blonde shellac on all sides (from flakes) to seal the wood and make any figure pop. Sand lightly with 320, emphasis, lightly!. You dont want to raise the grain, just remove any rough areas. Topcoat with Waterlox or Lacquer on ALL sides, if you dont seal the bottom, they will curl . I would only anchor with screws in the middle using no more than 2-3 ,allowing the wood to expand from the center. Apply a bead of silicone to the tops of your cabinets and lightly draw it into the silicone , it bonds amazingly well and allows for expansion. Enjoy them! They will be amazing! Good luck