11+ Hours later

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New User
Hey Everyone,

So I woke up at 2pm on Friday to get my Shop ready for the GSC Shop crawl. I ended up laying down at 7:28am Saturday morning, alarm went off at 8:30am. Maybe slept 10 minutes.

Went on with the shop crawl as it started at 8:30 at Hardees (I was a little late, oops:embaresse) and we ended about 4:30pm. And had a absolutley awesome day with everyone.

And then Ray Klieber (sorry if I spelled your name wrong) invited Erasmussen, Charlie and myself to his segmented, woodworking shop at the end of the day.

Ray has a nice shop and makes some beautiful bracelets, wooden cars and much more. We left his place around 5:15pm.:icon_thum

Got home around 5:30pm and Finally fell asleep after being up 26hours at 6pm and woke up at 5am.....Whew 11 hrs of sleep~!:eusa_danc

I haven't done that since my highschool days. :eek:

Thanks for the AWESOME Shop Crawl Day~!:banana:

Ray Martin

New User
I don't have permission... and that just raises the curiosity level... what evidence lies within??? :eusa_thin:eusa_thin:icon_scra:icon_scra:icon_scra :dontknow:


Corporate Member
that worked!:icon_cheers thanks Scott. looks like a great time was had by all.:icon_thum

Ray Martin

New User
From the looks of the photos, it must have been a terrific day. There certainly some great shops featured in the crawl. I didn't make it out to my shop except to grab the occasional tool... I did manage to get a ceiling fan and several lighting fixtures hung... something with sawdust would have been better


New User
Looks like you guys had a really good day and oh, nice shops there folks. Maybe one day.........


Staff member
Corporate Member
To all who hosted, I say 'Thank You'.:icon_thum I have yet to go into any shop where I didn't learn some new ideas, now matter how simple the shop. It was well worth the trip if for nothing else than that.
To all the crawlers, I enjoyed the day shivering with you.:gar-La; I can now put a voice with some other names & words here.


New User
It was a lot of fun as have been all of the crawls! t was great meeting some "new" faces and seeing others again! Matthew, you did a great job of herding cats and pulling this off! Dennis and I had a couple more shops to stop at in the Raleigh area for the pony express and had plenty of discussion on what we saw.

Earl definitely has a creative mind and it was great seeing the solutions he has come up with to make his awesome turnings possible.

Mark showed a beautiful walnut dining table he made and some really neat walking sticks and had some pretty turning blanks he gave out to any who wanted them.

Matthew did a great job showing us how to make turning tools that are simple and very effective!

Dan has made some awesome scroll saw puzzles and some very interesting methods of heating his shop. The solar convection system is really great!

Earl and Ray had us enthralled with some good stories during lunch. Many thanks again to Charlie!

Dennis was busy working on a couple projects in his mind a good bit of the trip:widea:. Can't wait to see what he comes up with!

Thanks for a great time!:eusa_clap


I am glad the crawl went well, to all those who posted pictures I give a hearty thank you for giving me the chance to participate virtually. :wsmile:


New User
Here are some of the pic's. I had a great time met new members and saw members from the pass.


Now the pic's











Corporate Member
:eusa_dancHad a great time an enjoyed meeting new folks. Thanks to all of the shop hosts (and to their wives for putting up with us). Looking forward to the next crawl.


Corporate Member
I had a great time, got to know more NCWWrs, got a lot of great ideas, a learned a bunch.

Thanks to all of you. I really appreciated us Wayne County folks getting some visitors who weren't lost or delusional. :wsmile: Let's face, it, the only mention Wayne Cty gets even on the "local" news is limited to "Goldsboro had some weather today".

Of course, after driving 4 hours to get here, Dennis and Ed may rethink the cost/benefit ratio next go-around!!.

Charlie: I owe you lunch.

Uploaded a few more pics.

Special thanks to Matt, who kept pushing this on to a successful conclusion, even when weather and personal schedules tried to conspire against him.:icon_thum:icon_thum:icon_thum:icon_thum



Corporate Member
Looks like my pictures are up. All 98 of them. Thanks to froglips for loading them into the gallery and making it easier for me.

I had a great time on the crawl and I want to thank everyone that hosted a shop on the crawl. I learned more than I expected to and with the great turning and scroll sawing demos, I can see me trying my hand at them in the future. Maybe I'll clean my shop up so that I can host if a crawl comes through Clayton.


New User
As cold as it was a lot of folks showed up, Thanks to everyone who came to the crawl, thanks to charlie for lunch.
I know I seen a lot and got some new ideas from all the shops.
Three of us had a chance to stop by a fifth shop and see some of the great things Raymond is doing, Thanks Raymond.
A long day but well worth it.

Again thanks to all.
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