
  1. Sanders Fine Woodworking

    [Other-Gallery] Uploaded Pics

    I uploaded some pics today. The file sizes were too large, I suspect, but I can't find them anywhere. If the files are too large, what happens to them?
  2. WoodWrangler

    IWF 2006 Pictures Finally Uploaded

    Yeah ... sometimes it takes me a while, but I finally posted my pictures from the IWF 2006 show. They're in my photo album now ... enjoy! :lol: Here's one that I got a kick out of ... now this is a lathe? Think I could make a couple pens with this? :lol:
  3. John Reeves

    HOURAY!! I got my pic's uploaded

    Steve, thanks for your help. I tred a smaller file that I copied to my DESKTPO which uploaded fine. Then I was able to copy all of the pics to my desktop and upload them. John To all, please share in my success of not only completing my first major project but getting the pictures to prove...

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