
  1. Phil S

    trying to submit a classified ad

    I seem to be having a problem submitting an ad. I went to the place an ad screen and filled out all the required fields including copy/pasting the address of a photo from my gallery. I have tried this three times but each time when i press the submit button nothing happens - no errors that I...
  2. jsjordan

    [How Do I-Help Desk] How Do I submit a new smiley?

    Or perhaps import some I have into a message post? I'm glad to share if they can be added to the pallette but I cant seem to figure out how to do either. :eusa_thin I feel like the little boy who dropped his bubble gum in the chicken house... I'm just confused ! :shock:
  3. SteveColes

    How to submit a new thread

    1. Open the forum you wish to post a message 2. Press the New thread button located in the upper left hand side of the page. 3. Enter your text 4. To spell check your message, click on the button in the upper right of the entry box 5. Press the Submit New Thread button at the bottom.

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