
  1. S

    Octagon Calculator

    Yesterday I was working on a project in ecabinets and I needed a formula that would give me the measurements that I needed to lay out an octagon. So I made a calculator in excel to help. Here is the link for the video. Check it out and let me know what you think. http://youtu.be/OAafQ_O28hk
  2. Boxes3


    Walnut and Bird's Eye Maple Octagonal Box and Matching Long Box with Inlay Susan Schultz Cassatt, SC
  3. Octagon Walnut Box

    Octagon Walnut Box

  4. Octagon Walnut Box

    Octagon Walnut Box

  5. steviegwood

    Octagon Trinket Box

    Hi Everyone, there is an octagon trinket box made from 5/8" maple and 1/2" cherry rings finished with spray lacquer in my photo gallery. I am still not sure how to add it to the post. Steve

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