
  1. merrill77

    Sawstop erroneous brake incident report

    As some of you may recall, I had the brake on my Sawstop PCS fire back in January, shortly after I bought it. I assumed that it was a result of the wood I was cutting (Ipe) or some small piece of metal on my crosscut sled or table (I'd been doing some metal work and had bits and pieces...
  2. merrill77

    Sawstop incident report

    Blade brake triggered today. Injury was not prevented -- as I was never in any danger of injury. I'm quite puzzled as to the cause. I had just made the 3rd cut using my crosscut sled. Cut was finished and I had pulled the sled back to the front of the blade. The sled was likely still partially...
  3. Ken Massingale

    Ouch!!! First Tablesaw Incident

    Yep, I finally paid for not using a blade guard. :wmad: I was ripping Red Oak Monday afternoon with the fence set to 3 1/2" from the blade and blade set 1" high. I finished a rip and the narrow cutoff started hitting the blade, so I hit the Stop button to remove it from the left side of the...

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