
  1. Chuck Seehuetter

    Scotts Fire

    Scott, I was wondeing how everything is progressing after the fire at your shop? I know many of you pitched in and assisted with the cleanup. I wish I lived closer so I could have helped also. I noticed the topic had been closed and I couldn't find anything about your progress. I hope all is...
  2. Bryan S

    Who wants Fire Extinguishers Update

    I should fairly soon be able to get my hands on plenty of fire extinguishers for any one here who will want one. I work in facilities management at Cone Hospital and we have about 120 extinguishers that will most likley be replaced. These will be thrown away so if any of you want some I will...
  3. J

    Fire at Scott's Shop

    Hey guys I wanted to let you know Scott Smith had a fire in his shop - it's a total loss - but the plus is NO ONE WAS HURT. He sent me an email with pictures and captions - for some reason I can not get them downloaded to my computer to post here. Scott - if there is anything, I mean...
  4. Glennbear

    Fire extinguishers

    Today BryanS posted pics of a fire near his home: That got me to thinking since I spent some time in the fire service, we should all ask ourselves 2 questions: 1) Do I have extinguishers in the...
  5. The WoodButcher

    Painting with fire

    Hi All, Did a little face lift on my woodshop today. It's got a few spots that need a little more paint, but I never claimed to be no painter either Tell me what you think? There's nothing like painting with fire.
  6. Our Burnt Down Home!

    Our Burnt Down Home!

    Down hallway
  7. Our Burnt Down Home!

    Our Burnt Down Home!

    From Front of house
  8. Our Burnt Down Home!

    Our Burnt Down Home!

    Living room
  9. Our Burnt Down Home!

    Our Burnt Down Home!

    Through back patio doors out front doors....gun rack to left of doors...all the guns poof!
  10. Our Burnt Down Home!

    Our Burnt Down Home!

    Through front window towards fireplace & through our new skylight!
  11. BumoutBob

    house fire

    A house was lost over night due to rags with linseed oil on them. Some of our wood finishes have linseed oil in them. Be careful, read and head the labels.

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