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New User
I want to come and I'm trying to figure out the best way to get there from Oxford. 85 to 40 west to 77 south to 73 west to 27 south ?



New User
Got it on my calendar! Do you guys have some 8" poplar? I may want to pick up a few boards....for starters!


Papa Red
Senior User
I'll be there. Thanks for hosting, it sounds like a great day!



New User
Sounds like it's gonna be a fun day. I'll do my best to make it out there if something doesn't happen around here to shoot me down. My so-called landlord is "supposed" to be fixing my driveway but it's anybody's guess when, or if, he may decide to finally get 'er done. Anyone that's been over here can attest to my lack of anything resembling an accessible driveway. :BangHead:
Are you talking Oxford close to 16? I would go 16 to 73, and look for Reinhardt Circle on your left.....

As far as 8" wide Poplar, yes sir I do believe we have some.... I will check for you tomorrow and confirm tomorrow evening....

Another note.....I think we are going to maybe maybe have some lunch...We have some Apple chunks laying around, and thinking about doing a couple of Boston Butts, some buns, chips, and drinks....If anyone can maybe add to this menu that would be great also...

We plan to have a good time, teach you as much as we know, and throw some sawwwwww dusttttttt:icon_thum

Please feel free to give me a call if you have any questions....828-994-7333

Also feel free to throw out some ideas of everything, or anything you would like to go over or learn about on Saturday the 20th..... If Kyle or myself knowing anything about it we will be glad to tell you all we know...


New User
Hey Chris, you might want to post another thread about this event and have the mods place it in the header.

Lunch sounds good. Do you guys want us to bring anything in particular?
Guys we are going to smoke two or three boston butts on some fresh apple wood we have. WE will provide the meat and buns and BBQ Sauce if maybe some others could help out with a bag of chips, plates, cups, drinks, and any other item you might want to bring....It looks like so far from NCWW and the shop friends, we are up to 16 people so far....

We look forward to seeing everyone, and if we can just just keep track of all the items being brought, I can cover anything we might be short on.....

Let's all just pray for dry weather, and warm temps......


New User
Guys we are going to smoke two or three boston butts on some fresh apple wood we have. WE will provide the meat and buns and BBQ Sauce if maybe some others could help out with a bag of chips, plates, cups, drinks, and any other item you might want to bring....It looks like so far from North Carolina Woodworker and the shop friends, we are up to 16 people so far....

We look forward to seeing everyone, and if we can just just keep track of all the items being brought, I can cover anything we might be short on.....

Let's all just pray for dry weather, and warm temps......

Hey Chris. I hope to get a notice put up soon with a request for volunteers to help with sides, drinks, and condiments.
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