Southern Raleigh Shop Crawl Revisited

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Douglas Robinson

Doug Robinson
Corporate Member
Now that the Charlotte Crawl has concluded, I am organizing the Southern Raleigh Shop Crawl on September 27th. Brain's lumber delivery in Charlotte was a great added feature. Maybe we can work out something like it for this one.

Let me know your thoughts.

Finally, I think a Durham crawl in '09 might be cool, anyone interested in being a host shop?

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New User
Jim Campbell
Sign my shop and my dad's shop (Giant Homemade Bowl Lathe) from Hillsborough for the Durham tour.



Recovering tool addict
Corporate Member
September is wide open for me. You name the weekend, I'll be ready to host.
Visions of elves scurrying around....tidying up, trying to scrub peach paint off the floor..."I haven't a thing to wear!". "I was going to lose weight!". I'm extremely curious as to where they sleep! Tool cases filled with shavings? Hammock suspended from the pegboard? Inside the scrap box?

Is it September yet? :eek:ccasion1


New User
Visions of elves scurrying around....tidying up, trying to scrub peach paint off the floor...

Oh crap, we better get busy. September will be here before we know it. I need this type of incentive to get a few shop projects I've been putting off cabinets here I come :eusa_danc:eusa_danc

The floor, that's patina...and NCWW history it will probably stay the way it is :cool:



New User
I'm not ready:BangHead:, ...probably never will be ready:help:. That being said, anytime other than the first weekend (Sept. 6th) will probably work for me.



New User
Well, I may just have to drive to Raleigh after the great time I had with the Charlotte crawl... :wsmile:

Douglas Robinson

Doug Robinson
Corporate Member
I do not have a September dat set yet. However, the following people previously had indicated their willingness to host:

Joe Scharle
GeorgeL (and Alex)
Jimmy C
DaveO, and

Also Skyshark, yellowfins, and woodrat had at least at one point indicated their willingness too.

PLEASE confirm your willingness to host in September! Obviously 10 shops will be too many for a single crawl. Sorry :wsad: 6-8 is ideal. I am thinking of having it either 9/23 or 9/30. Let me have your thoughts. I would like to finalize the date and hosts by mid-August.




Board of Directors, Vice President
Glad to see it is coming together. Hopefully, I will finally give Jimmy his radios back. :wsmile: At one time, I had listed myself as a possible if you wanted to include a tiny shop where things get wheeled out and stuck on shelves and what not. It looks like you have plenty without that and if you did have to look further down the list, I would not be able to right now. The garage was filled up with stuff from my MIL's estate and while the pile has shrunk as things have found new homes, it is still far from empty and I can barely move around out there. But I hope to attend!


New User
As of now, both dates are good for me, I'm not expecting any problems. As for how clean and organized my shop is:rotflm:........ that will be determined at a later date.


Joe Scharle

New User
I just can't get into cleaning my shop!
However, I have a couple of uncommon tools (Woodrat, Jointability and even a Shopsmith) that folks my want to look at. Also, some jigs that I like too. Any w/e is good for me as far as I can tell at this time.


New User
I just can't get into cleaning my shop!
However, I have a couple of uncommon tools (Woodrat, Jointability and even a Shopsmith) that folks my want to look at. Also, some jigs that I like too. Any w/e is good for me as far as I can tell at this time.

Don't worry Joe,
If they gave out shop cleanliness scores like they do for restaurants I'd be lucky to score an eighty on a good day:gar-La;.



New User
I do not have a September dat set yet. However, the following people previously had indicated their willingness to host:

Joe Scharle
GeorgeL (and Alex)
Jimmy C
DaveO, and

Also Skyshark, yellowfins, and woodrat had at least at one point indicated their willingness too.

PLEASE confirm your willingness to host in September! Obviously 10 shops will be too many for a single crawl. Sorry :wsad: 6-8 is ideal. I am thinking of having it either 9/23 or 9/30. Let me have your thoughts. I would like to finalize the date and hosts by mid-August.



Doug now you know that almost all of those shops are within a few miles of mine so travel time will be minimal. I think that your dates are funky...or my calendar is... 9/23 and 9/30 are both Tuesdays, unless week days are good for everyone :dontknow: The weekend prior to the Tuesday of 9/23 would be best for me, as I just got a wedding announcement that my wife will make me attend.



New User
Doug now you know that almost all of those shops are within a few miles of mine so travel time will be minimal. I think that your dates are funky...or my calendar is... 9/23 and 9/30 are both Tuesdays, unless week days are good for everyone :dontknow: The weekend prior to the Tuesday of 9/23 would be best for me, as I just got a wedding announcement that my wife will make me attend.



I didn't even notice that the dates posted were Tuesday's, but the end of Sept is good for me anyway. As far as all of the shops being close, I think it's cool. Basically from MikeL's house to GeorgeL's house and everybody else is in between. It's more of a Johnston County shop tour ( we don't want to be associated with Raleigh, or even Wake Co. for that matter:gar-La;) than anything else. Break out the banjo's.



New User

Count me in for the shop host.

Gonna take JimmyC's probably will never be
cleaned up, but I'll try.


Douglas Robinson

Doug Robinson
Corporate Member
OK. I hereby pick saturday September 27th as the of the Southern Shop Crawl!

I have sebt all of the potential hosts emails or PM's to confirm their status on that day. When I hear back from everyone, I will put together the crawl package.

As with the previous two crawls, you have to PM me with your email address to receive the crawl package. Also please let me know how many people will be coming with you. I encourage carpooling! It is a great way to reduce our impact on the neighborhoods and the environment.

Finally we need lunch recommendations! I cant put the package together without it. There was talk of a barbeque at one of the shop (I think). Am I correct or just dreaming? :icon_scra

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Administrator , Forum Moderator
When you send the package, include me. I had such a great time on the Charlotte crawl, I may just drive to Raleigh!!!!:icon_chee:icon_chee
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