Some thoughts as I give up the stewardship of NCWWI

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New User
Dolan Brown
Steve, let me also add my thanks to all those above for all that you have done to create and maintain the best WW'ing site on the internet. I have learned a lot from this site and without it I would not be where I am now in woodworking (But I might have more money in the bank! :gar-Bi:gar-Bi)
The combined knowledge here is amazing and without your vision, that combined knowledge would not be accessible with a few keystrokes and a click of the mouse.

So sit back and enjoy your creation, you have earned it. :eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap
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Others have expressed my thoughts quite eloquently so I will add just a few words:

THANKS STEVE FOR ALL YOU HAVE DONE !!!!!! :wsmile: :icon_thum:eusa_clap

Douglas Robinson

Doug Robinson
Corporate Member
What many do not see or know is that while Steve has strong opinions he welcomes a different point of view. Many times he has set forth his position on something with the preface that he may be wrong and he is looking for others to confirm or refute his position.

I know that if I had tried to create this site it would not have become what NCWoodworker is today. While I do not always agree with Steve I do agree with him a great deal and I give his positions a lot of thought because I truly want what is special about this organization to remain special. So, I hope we do you proud.


New User
"Frogs need storks. But, the common man is learning to think, and the scourge of princes is gathering force among the mob and with the common man. I fear there will be no way to avert it, unless the princes conduct themselves in a princely manner and begin again to rule decently and reasonably. Men will not, men cannot, men refuse to endure your tyranny and wantonness much longer . . . "

You guys can figure that one out on your own or PM Gotcha :wink_smil

pete - just havin' some fun . . .

"Because I see that the mobs are always growing, the number of errors are always increasing and ruin have no end, I wish to confess with this work my faith before the whole world, point by point. I am doing this, lest certain people cite me or my writings, while I am alive or after I am dead, to support their errors..." -ML



New User
Scott Smith
Steve, thanks for your post and hard work in creating and developing NCWoodworker. In particular, your post helps us all to better understand what this site is - and is not - about, and as Forrest Gump would say.... "that's good".

Personally, I think that your policy and vision is outstanding, and that if we can stay on the course that you've charted we should see continual success as a woodworking website and place to make new friends as well as share good times with existing ones.



Corporate Member
I will admit before all attending, I was a naysayer.

When Steve first announced on WoodNet that he was going to start a woodworking website just for NC, my comment to that post was that I thought that: #1 there were plenty of WW sites on the web and another would get lost and #2 that restricting it to NC only cut the perspective number of members to such a low number that it would never fly.

I came over and registered just as soon as he opened the site just to see how well my predictions would come out.

BOY, WAS I WRONG. And am extremely glad I was wrong.

I now visit here several times a day compared to WoodNet, WoodCentral, and TheWoodWorks about once a week and the others virtually never.

Steve - you done good guy. I pray that this site remains as friendly and informative as it has become and I will treasure not only your foresight and hard work, but most of all your friendship.



Phil Ashley
Corporate Member
steve thanks for the insight behind the moderation policy. i for one understand it better and now regret some of the snide comments i've made here and there about moderation. my apologies.

i really enjoy this site and hope it stays the course and continues on like i'm sure it will.


New User
Todd Vaughn

Thanks for the the post concerning your goals, the direction you have established and why things were done the way they were.

I come to this website because it is friendly and there is an outside connection besides the cyber world. If I want anything other that woodworking, there are plenty of other sites I can frequent. I personally like to keep them completely separate online.

So thank you very much for creating this site and doing your very best to keep it focused on woodworking. I am in the camp that greatly appreciates the policies you set forth.

just by $2.61, adjusted for inflation.



Corporate Member
Don't think I can add anything that has already been voiced.:notworthy::notworthy:

The amount knowledge, friendships and pure entertainment have filled countless hours for me here at the site and I continue to make it a point to check in several times a day for fear of missing something!

Thanks for giving this old retired guy something to read every morning as opposed to the local rag!:gar-La;

You done good, Steve!!!!!!:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap



Administrator , Forum Moderator
I have waited to post my response as I was the first to read the thread i think:widea:. I really am inspired daily by your creation and Vow to uphold your values:notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:


New User

Thanks for maintaining a fun, civil site.

"The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function." - F. Scott Fitzgerald

Trent Mason

New User
Trent Mason

Your vision and continuing efforts to achieve and maintain it are very much appreciated. This is much more than an internet site. This is a great part of all of our lives. Thank you and thanks to the moderators. To the BOD, please don't forget this vision and the values behind it. They are what have made this such a wonderful place.


Corporate Member
Mr Steve, this is indeed a very friendly, welcoming, helpful, and beneficial website. I hope you feel a great sense of personal satisfaction from not only the site, but in knowing what it means to a great many of the membership. I can only imagine the hours and dollars you personally have invested in it. Thank you seems quite insufficient but is heartfelt.

I know little of the problems you and the staff have encountered. What I do know of is sad and at times seems to be of a malicious nature. I've wondered at times why people act as they do. Indeed a mystery of the ages. What could they possibly hope for except some time as the center of attention.

I go to a few sites besides this one. Two specialized sites (one for turning and one for pen making) that like this one don't allow shenanigans and public attacks or bashing, and one that I rarely visit now that seems to have no moderation or discipline and has diminished to a mockery of what should still be a viable resource. It would be sad to see this site fall to that level.

I have faith in the staff and membership and their continuance to maintain this site and encourage it's growth. Our membership will grow in a number of ways besides numerically as long as we stay the course and this site has effective moderation (including self moderation) and discipline.


New User

Thank you for all you have done.

I come to this site for all the reasons everyone else has expressed, and to learn and be inspired by some very good woodworkers. I have enough drama in my life to read and hear about everyone else's drama.

I come here to learn about woodworking, met a great group of people, and will stay around as long as the BOD lets me.

Steve I applaud you :eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap
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