Some thoughts as I give up the stewardship of NCWWI

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New User
When I first started the incorporation process, I assumed that I would probably end up being the president for many years. But starting in Jan and Feb of this year, I came to the conclusion that I wouldn't run for the board at all. I no longer was of a mindset that would allow me to be fair and unbiased. To explain that, I have to go back a bit and explain a few things.

The standard story of my looking for a website that would fulfill local needs, is only partially true. The main motivation was to create a woodworking site free of what I considered the worst ills of the Internet, the generally horrible way many people interacted with each other. Think of Woodnet at its worst. Think of Woodnet's "Basement". Think of many other internet places you've been.

It has almost always been that way. There is something about the relative anonymity of the Internet, it's "tradition of free speech", and the difficulty of expressing some things in writing that too often lead to heated discussions and outright verbal aggression. Generally, people have 2 ways of dealing with those situations, strike back in kind and/or stop visiting the site. There also are a few cases where eventually heated discussions in a usenet group led to a physical exchange, :swoon: :XXcompute :argue: :kamahlitu :slap: :qright5: Think syntax of the 'C' programming language :roll: :rotflm:

So when I started, I had a few principles in mind.

Site Policy said:
General Policy

The goal of is to provide a welcoming atmosphere that fosters a unique sense of community for any North Carolina woodworker who wishes to participate or lurk. The three main aspects to meeting this goal are:

1. Guests and members surfing our site should feel that they are welcome and that participating in our site is a worthwhile and pleasant experience. We strive to maintain a polite and helpful tone in our posts, replies, and questions.

2. We seek to ensure that guests and all members of their family are comfortable viewing site content. Every effort is made to monitor User names, avatars, signatures, biographies, and posts in pursuit of that goal.

3. Members may post threads, comments, replies, questions, and make suggestions without fear of abuse from other members or staff.

In addition, I wanted no overt or implicit statement of any form of prejudice. Certain topics were to be forbidden, politics and religion. Why, read the site policies in detail. There are explanations.

I did almost all moderation myself, in the very beginning. When I moderated, I went through an informal process in my head to reach my final actions.

  • If a thread was on allowed topics, then every effort would be made to preserve the thread. I would edit posts, if possible, and deleted others where editing would change the whole meaning or the whole post was just out of line. And of course I would send a PM to try to indicate what the issues were.
  • If a thread was about a restricted topic, it was just deleted. Period. No argument, just an explanation.
  • If a thread was on a valid topic, but for whatever reason was "going bad" or was likely to go bad, I closed it as a preventive measure. Again, Period. No argument, just an explanation.
But when I started to have to make long trips where I was unable to really keep up, I enlisted a moderator corp. They, in turn, requested a more detailed policy which has been evolving to this day.

Many moderators that have come and gone questioned my policies as perhaps being too restrictive and unnecessary. They felt I should wait until things have gone to xxxx before taking action and I , of course, felt prevention was the real way to go.

Over time many users and moderators have come to the conclusion that I was on the right track, if not in detail, at least in principle. Others, came to the decision that while they may not agree with me even in principal, they could and would try to stay within the spirit of the rules, I wanted to enforce.

Ask yourself what made you come and stay on this site. The reasons that I hear the most have to do with friendly and helpful atmosphere. The fact that many people have become friends and see each other outside of the website, further helps that image. You see, people lurk on the site first and get a feeling for the interactions here, before they would ever post or even come back on a regular basis.

So, from my point of view, things were working well. We reached a point where it seemed to be understood that if you were moderated, it was taken with good grace. It was understood that all of us get moderated once in awhile. The moderators and the user being moderated understand, that there are really 2 kinds of policy violation, the non intentional and the direct attack on policy. The staff and myself doesn't or least shouldn't take any offensive at the non intentional ones. Simply correct it, explain it to the offender and move on. The intentional violation needed to be dealt with slightly differently. In addition to the normal moderation process, I usually tried to explain why I was doing what I did and perhaps even attempt to "see the Light". Sometimes, it was necessary to go even further and I would telephone the person and even meet in person. The usual result was that the person involved would eventually agree to abide by the rules and no real hard feelings persisted.

Of course, there were a few times, the person involved would publicly and/or in a PM "quit the site". As far as I can tell, with the exception of one user, everyone came back to using the site. (The one exception, passed away suddenly before he could come back. But he was lurking till the end)

One of the things that I was very proud of, was the fact that we never really had to suspend or ban any user. I felt that we as a staff seemed to always find a way to get our members to accept the rules and at least try to keep to the spirit.

Of course, while I don't personally know of anyone that has done this, I am reasonably sure that we had people decide that, they don't want to restrict their posts because of this site's rules. Those people must have quietly, just started going to other sites and stopped visiting here. While I might miss some of those people, I admire them, becuase they did the right thing. "They didn't like it here and they went elsewhere" and they did it with out attempting to disrupt this site.

Well, please tolerate one more digression before I get to my point.:rotflm:

Many people ask why is this such a friendly and peaceful site? The usual answer given is that fact we are very local to each so people don't say nasty things to people that they might meet. Well I guess I disagree. I think the foundation is and has been, the basic posting policies. Used as guidelines by most and the necessary enforcement helps create and maintain the atmosphere that makes it possible for our users to even want to meet people they have never met.

If I am always saying something nasty and/or insulting to you or others in my posts, are you really going to PM me and offer to travel several hundred miles to my place to teach me the fundamentals of goblet and Bowl turning. :nah: Or vice-versa( actually it would have to be something about computers or the internet, since aren't much:swoon: )

So now we come to Jan and Feb of this year. I was preoccupied with the many different things with the Corporation and wasn't really watching the site. The Senior moderation staff was fairly new.

When I was made aware that there was a problem, it had rapidly deteriorated. There were several threads that were trying to drag our current political and economic climate in to every discussion in the Off Topic forum. These threads were edited and/or closed and/or deleted. In return, the moderators received personal abuse in PMs and in posts. But this group of 5? users kept trying to post things they knew they weren't supposed to. Sometimes they would make a post that was intended to get someone else, by hitting their obvious hot buttons, to violate policy, so they could jump in. It doesn't take much, to get someone to respond to an indirect comment on the economy when that person is unemployed. Then they added to their tactics. Now they tried to deflect the issue, by questioning the right of the staff and officers to set policies. Then other users who had no idea what was really going, decided to pick sides. When new staff members got frustrated and only provided abbreviated reasons for various moderator actions, they were accused of being "high handed" and other such ill defined phrases.:kamahlitu

Frankly, I applaud those staff members for their actions and restraint, in that whole time only two staff members lost their cool publicly. And that was simply to say words that were true. "If you dislike the policies that strongly, go somewhere else." That can sound very harsh without all the context available. But basically that is the reality. You really have only three choices
  1. Obey the rules anyway.
  2. Go somewhere else.
  3. Obey the rules in the meantime and use the other rules that are meant for that purpose to try and change the posting policies

Of course option 3 was only available recently. It didn't apply during those months.

(to be continued in next post)


New User
Some thoughts as I give up the stewardship of NCWWI - Continued

(continued from above post)

So at this point, I felt drastic action was needed. So I closed the Off Topic forum and I posted a thread where we could try to explain our policies and rules. The closing of the forum was the right thing to do, but the opening of the thread was probably wrong. It seemed to make things worse and give those people who were disrupting things another platform to stir the pot. They and others were now starting other threads to rehash everything. The staff was confused, I was supposed to be trying to calm things down by giving some people a place to vent, but instead it seemed like I was just fanning the flames. Two staff members finally lost their cool publicly by stating the obvious but in such a way that other people used it to try to convince other users that all our policies were wrong.

I closed down all discussion of the topic:eusa_hand and continued to try stop any embers from flaring up. Of the 4 or 5 people who were the most involved, only 2 kept trying to start up more controversy.:BangHead:

So what should we have done? Well, my ego got in the way. I had had such success in not using suspension and/or banning in the past, that I didn't use when it was really required. When all of this started, the 4 or 5 people most involved, should have been warned and if they continued, their access to the site should have suspended for a time and then lifted after they agreed to abide by the posting policies both in spirit and detail. If they didn't, they should have been permanently banned. If they agreed but then continued to cause problems, they then should be banned.

So why am I posting this now:
  1. Because I want to use the info above to help make my plea to the BOD, staff, and members to keep it "the friendliest place on the internet".
  2. I hope this will explain some of the reasons I put those posting policies in place and provide an over simplified history of them.
  3. To emphasize that I feel that the posting policies are the primary reason that this is "the friendliest place on the internet"
  4. I hope that this will serve as an object lesson as to why , I feel that we need formal "disciplinary policies" to complement the posting policies.
  5. Just in case anyone thinks otherwise, "Corporate Members" can be denied access or have their privileges on the restricted based on the behavior, so long as they have access to the Corporate Members forum. And when their membership expires, the board can refuse to renew it on any grounds.
  6. Because as of now, I no longer intend to take any further role in the running of the site and its policies. While my tenure is still valid, I will restrict my duties to turning over corporate functions to my successors and to finish one or 2 technical issues that I am involved.
  7. For my own peace of mind and self indulgence , I need those people who have been here for awhile to get some idea of just how angry and frustrated I have been. Both at the people who seemed to want to destroy the harmony of the site and those who didn't, but managed to play into their hands, and didn't try to understand what the staff was going through and didn't give me and them the benefit of the doubt. I think we all earned it.

While I am ending my roles in running both this site and this corporation, I am not ending my participation in the site. As long as this Corporation and its site remain the friendly place it is, then I will be here. But now as a fledgling woodworker showing you my latest project.

I have enjoyed my almost 4 years helping to build this organization and guiding it. I have enjoyed and cherished the people I have met through this site and hope that we will continue to be friends. And despite my comments above, I have enjoyed almost every minute of it and am very proud of what we have achieved. I just want it to stay something I am proud of.

(To the staff, I am asking for a personal indulgence to leave this thread and leave it open and just edit or delete the responses that may end up as personnel attacks - thank you - Steve)​


New User
Quite a dissertation Steve. I am aware of some of the issues you have mentioned and I feel that, for the most part, the actions taken were just. I look forward to seeing you post some projects now that you will have some time!!!

Thanks for the efforts you have made! I think you have succeeded tremendously in creating a wonderful place to enjoy woodworking related topics that has grown beyond the confines of the internet!


Staff member
Corporate Member
Quite a dissertation Steve. I am aware of some of the issues you have mentioned and I feel that, for the most part, the actions taken were just. I look forward to seeing you post some projects now that you will have some time!!!

Thanks for the efforts you have made! I think you have succeeded tremendously in creating a wonderful place to enjoy woodworking related topics that has grown beyond the confines of the internet!

Whut he said......:thumbs_up

In regards to moderation, I don't recall having any whuppins coming up I didn't deserve - and probably missed a few I should have had. I will risk a moderation here by quoting Martin Luther, "Frogs need storks."
You guys can figure that one out on your own or PM me.


New User
Steve, I want to thank you for starting this wonderful site - It has made a difference in my wood working life:thumbs_up - Moderated? Yes I have - Did I like it? No I didn't but rules are rules - Just like anywhere else that has any kind of organization - I have been touched by the wonderful people here and I hope that I have touched someones life as well


Corporate Member
I will risk a moderation here by quoting Martin Luther, "Frogs need storks."
You guys can figure that one out on your own or PM me.

"Frogs need storks. But, the common man is learning to think, and the scourge of princes is gathering force among the mob and with the common man. I fear there will be no way to avert it, unless the princes conduct themselves in a princely manner and begin again to rule decently and reasonably. Men will not, men cannot, men refuse to endure your tyranny and wantonness much longer . . . "

You guys can figure that one out on your own or PM Gotcha :wink_smil

pete - just havin' some fun . . .


New User
Steve, thanks for spending all that time building this site and making it such an excellent place. You should feel very proud of creating this virtual place; it really has made a positive and lasting impression on this part of the world.


Staff member
Corporate Member
Steve, I SALUTE you for all your visions and accomplishments with NCWW. Thank you my friend.


New User
I echo Scott's post. This is by far the greatest site to come to. I am in another site with zero tolerance about inappropriate posts, and people have done the same thing. Adhered to the rules, or left. The site policies are responsible for making this the great community it is.

Some folks can't live without drama. Some confuse rights with privileges. Has always been that way and always will. Fortunately, here, they are by far in the minority here. The rules are stated up front, no surprises. If you don't like the rules, don't play the game!

You have put a LOT of yourself into this site. More than just the tangible and financial. You should be able to sit back and enjoy the site now and your woodworking hobby! Thanks again for all you have done.



Master Scrap Maker
Steve: You can leave these responsibilities confident that have done a great job. You have my gratitude for building a great community.

Moderators: Please heed Steve's acquired wisdom. The friendly atmosphere is what brought me and many (most?) others here. I left rec.ww and some of the other sites years ago. For a while I frequented The Spalted Board until the founder/maintainer retired and closed it down - it was a much smaller group but very friendly. Then for several years I had no good place to have intelligent and pleasant conversations with other WWers. Most other sites are just not very friendly. Should the antics that Steve mentioned be repeated, remember this: for every one of those whiny, rude trouble-makers, there are another 100 good-mannered pleasant people who just want to talk about woodworking. Be firm: issue a warning, then take action. Nip it in the bud.



New User
Jim Campbell

Thank you for sharing so much about your philosophy. In reality, much of the spirit of NCWW, Inc will always be influenced by your legacy.

You set in motion something that I can only describe as special.

When I hit a personal low in my life, one that was lower than I ever imagined I could sink, it was the friends I made on this site that helped turn me around. Were it not for NCWW, I would have never known these folks. Then, when I returned to the site, I was welcomed with open arms.

Were it not for the ideals you set forth and the ideals you strove to maintain, this place might not have existed.

What you did here has touched my life.

I thank you. I will do my best to help carry on with what you set in motion.

My best hope is you now get to enjoy being a member of the corporation and posting all about your adventures in the shop!


p.s. as "froglips", all this talk about storks is making me nervous....:kermit:


Corporate Member
Steve, all I can say is:notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:.

If not for you and this site, I would not have the friendships I now have. Nor would I have the knowledge (small as it is) of woodworking that I have.



New User
Thank you so much Steve for all that you have done for ncwoodworker. Your insight and expertise are only exceeded by your friendly and helpful nature. I could ramble on forever about all the benefits that I have enjoyed from this community: friendships, education, good deals, and even some business. The most important benefit has definitely been the friendships. Thank you for all that you have done to make this such a friendly, helpful community.




All of us owe you a great deal for your foresight, wisdom and perserverance -- it is unfortunate that a few put you and others of us on the staff through some torment earlier this year, but I truly believe that phase is behind us. We will endeavor to maintain your philosophy of a friendly board and if policy-breaking issues arise, we will nip them in the bud. Fortunately, the vast majority of our membership likes it that way.


Corporate Member

You've done a really good thing and I thank you for sticking with it and setting the course for the next generation.

Now let's start seeing some pictures of projects:eusa_danc:eusa_danc:eusa_danc:eusa_danc

Dan C.


New User
Thanks Steve for creating this site! I don't spend lengthy amounts of time at the site...I am too busy every day, so I have no knowledge of any problems, I am saddened to hear of them. Please know This has been just an awesome, A-1 site for help and instruction for me!

I have learned a great deal and met several great wood workers in person! I never expected a benefit as that! They have invited me to their gatherings, and I look forward to attending.
So Again, thanks Steve, I feel this is a great, and helpful site! I am sad to learn there have been issues for you.

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