Re: Helmswatch's house burned - total loss

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Corporate Member
Sorry to hear about the tragedy and the grief I know you must be suffering. After the new place is built, ping us if you need help getting additional done. Be it a major thing like building a deck, or something minor like getting all the door hardware to fit flush, ceiling fans balanced, etc, let us know (I know the contractor should do that but after all the trauma, you just may want to "get-r-done" without a hassle - DAMHIKT).



New User
Ahoy & Avast There Mateys,

Sorry we haven't posted any updates, but we have been busy trying to keep the adjuster busy, the Demo ppl busy, and now the hospital busy. Irene has been rushed to the hospital a number of times now. We suppose the stress of the fire is playing havoc on her diabetes. She is better now but I am insisting on her to take it easy and get plenty of rest and to stay away from the work site until the old house is gone. At one point we were only communicating via telephone; her from the Washington Hospital and me from the VA Hospital....Kept telling her to pretend that we were teenagers dating, tying up our parent's phone line!

As far as the house, we are demolishing the remains and having it toted off to where ever the house cemetery is. It's taking longer than usual because we are using dumpsters and the company can't haul them away fast enough. The backhoe/front end loader is being rented by the day and the days are piling up because of the dumpster jam. But at least there is progress.

We have a very nice young general contractor. We are pleased with his attitude and his attention to detail. The Insurance Co is another story. They have agreed to less than the policy limits and that begs the question, "Didn't we pay premiums to be covered for X amount of dollars? But at least it appears that we will end up with a heckuva a lot better than we started with!

I have some pix of the demo process and I will download them from the camera tonight and post them for those who are interested...One thing is for sure, my redneck lil brother is good at destroying things with a piece of heavy equipment!

Thanks again for alls concern and prayers, and thank you for the many offers of assistance. We will for sure be throwing a North Carolina Woodworker house warming party this fall!

Be Well,

Duke & Irene


New User
Pete Davio
Duke, good to hear that you seem to be taking this in stride and keeping in good spirits!
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