My $6 Custom Branding Iron

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Alex Franke

New User
Hi all -- I haven't posted here in a while, and I realize that I forgot to share this one with you!

I've wanted a custom branding iron for a while, but I didn't want to pay close to $200 for it. A couple months ago while flipping through Make magazine, I discovered a service in The Netherlands called Shapeways that would "print" 3D products using a variety of materials and techniques, including plastic and stainless steel. I used the free version of Alibre Design to work up a couple 3D branding iron models, and uploaded them to Shapeways to have them printed. I didn't know what kind of result to expect, but it was very inexpensive so I thought I'd just give it a shot.

I couldn't be happier with the results! In about two weeks, I got back two custom branding irons, tapped them, turned a couple of handles, and tried them out.

This one was $6, shipping included:

This one was $7.40, shipping included:

There was a $25 minimum order. I actually considered getting 3-4 versions of one of the branding irons, each with a year, but I decided to order some other plastic stuff instead, and that made up the $25 minimum.

I have some details and more pictures on my blog here:

I have a step-by-step tutorial on how I made them (using all free software tools) here:

Let me know what you think!
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Alex Franke

New User
By the way, I turned a few different handles and ended up using big, low-profile, mushroom-like handles because that type of handle made it easier to place the hot iron accurately on the wood.

I heat them up with a torch and do a couple of practice brands before I mark the work piece -- just to make sure I get the temperature and timing right.


Board of Directors, Vice President
This is awesome!
I am not sure I follow it all yet.
I want to make one that says CarvedTones about as small as can be easily read and still be a usable brand. Any size recommendation?
If I don't really care much about fonts or designs, is there any shortcut way to enter 3D text in a form they will accept?


Alex Franke

New User
Thanks for all the great comments!

I want to make one that says CarvedTones about as small as can be easily read and still be a usable brand. Any size recommendation?
If I don't really care much about fonts or designs, is there any shortcut way to enter 3D text in a form they will accept?

There are some limits on how much detail you can have in the stainless steel part, but the branding irons I made were pretty detailed. The "AF" branding iron is 1/2" wide and the "afranke" one is 1" wide.

I don't believe there's an easier way to do it, but I'll poke around a bit and see if I can find one.

Could that steel be hardened and tempered into a punch?

Darn good question. I have absolutely no idea, but here are some details about the material along with a short video on how it's done -- in case this might help to answer your question:


Board of Directors, Vice President
Actually, someone told me Blender (open source and free) is major overkill and hard to use for most things, but to just extrude text is easy. Sure enough, it took about 5 minutes to install and create 3D text. Though how I size it and whatnot, I am not sure...

Alex Franke

New User
Good tip -- I've been wanting to try Blender again. I hear it's gotten much easier to use over the years since I tried it before.

I joined the text (see the step-by-step tutorial) and extruded it 1.25mm, then outlined it to make a foundation. I extruded that 2mm and then added the back part so that it could be tapped and screwed onto a threaded rod. The holes are just there to remove extra material (and thus make it a bit cheaper ;) ).

Remember to model it so that the text is backwards! :eusa_doh:

This is what it looks like in the CAD design window:



Board of Directors, Vice President
Well, Blender is easy to load and run, easy to type text in and extrude it, but that's where the "easy" stopped. I did not think about the backwards business, nor do I have the backing on there.

EDIT - For those of you that think I am bull headed by not following the tutorial, here is an excerpt from it:
This tutorial requires a working knowledge of Alibre Design (or other 3D parametric modeling software) and Inkscape (or other vector graphics editing software).
I don't have working knowledge of either. So I am trying with Blender since it is free and there is a large community out there.


Thank you Alex for the info. In this economy I can see where many folks are on a tight budget, and I am no different. I thought that a branding iron is something I'd have to wait for a long while to get. Well thanks to you it is now something I can do much sooner..

I have a question - I assume you use propane to heat it up to use - true... Other than trial & error, Is there a rule of thumb to tell when it is heated enough to make the brand?

Again thanks.


New User
Dood !! :eek: That is just too kewl :cool: :notworthy:

Can this be done with a hand-written name or initials ? I have a graphics pad and could easily create the initial graphic but I got lost pretty dang quick in that whole 3D-extrude-2x-bibbidy-bobbidy-boo-yada-yada-yada :BangHead: :embaresse
I would seriously like to do this . :banana: Would you be willing to give some tips or help to a tech-challenged ol' redneck ? :eusa_pray

.....I'll dance at your wedding :gar-Bi


Board of Directors, Vice President

It definitely can be done. There is certainly a learning curve, though. When (I hope it isn't if) I get past the bump I hit with Blender I can help you if you don't get another offer. It sounds like we may need to go in to get up to their $25 minimum anyway, unless you were going to get multiple brands.

It's funny; I have spent 30 years getting computers to do anything that the client wants. I will make one levitate if that's required to solve the problem. But they get much more ornery when I want to do something for myself...

Alex Franke

New User
Let me see if I can model a standard backing plate -- maybe that will make it easier. What sizes to you all think would be good?

I have a question - I assume you use propane to heat it up to use - true... Other than trial & error, Is there a rule of thumb to tell when it is heated enough to make the brand?

Yes, I use a propane torch. The longer "afranke" design needs more heat in the middle (because the mounting flange wicks the heat away), so I go back and forth over the torch flame five times for one second in each direction (10 seconds total) then do a test burn. If I do consecutive burns, I reheat for 5 seconds (back and forth) between burns.

The smaller branding iron takes a little less time to heat up.

For those of you that think I am bull headed by not following the tutorial, here is an excerpt from it:
This tutorial requires a working knowledge of Alibre Design (or other 3D parametric modeling software) and Inkscape (or other vector graphics editing software).

You're right -- it take a bit of time to figure out that software...

Can this be done with a hand-written name or initials ? I have a graphics pad and could easily create the initial graphic but I got lost pretty dang quick in that whole 3D-extrude-2x-bibbidy-bobbidy-boo-yada-yada-yada

Good qeustion -- let me try a couple things out and I'll let you know.


Board of Directors, Vice President

I noticed that someone has published a customizable model for stamps up there. It seems like it would just be a minor tweak to make brands, though we do probably have a few different size preferences. I am looking for roughly the equivalent of 10 pt type that says "CarvedTones", which is maybe 1" x 1/8". I will be stamping woodwinds.


New User
Sounds like some of us need to get together and order so we can meet the minimum :widea:

........if we can figure out the software :mrgreen:
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