Moderator Guidelines PLEASE READ and feel free to edit

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Administrator , Forum Moderator
Moderator guidelines draft is now available for viewing by staff members
\. Please look at it and tell me what you think. I would ask that you do not change anything now, just let me know what needs to be changed. I am new to the web templates and would like the option of doing the necessary edits myself on this one. Thank you for your support:rotflm:. If you cannot see this please post here so I can reset the permissions:help:.
Last edited:


New User
Re: Moderator Guidelines

Tracy that looks really good. Excellent example with those Dutch folks :gar-La;:gar-La;:gar-La;



Administrator , Forum Moderator
Re: Moderator Guidelines

Tracy that looks really good. Excellent example with those Dutch folks :gar-La;:gar-La;:gar-La;


The Dutch examples were posted by our resident Dutch Webmaster:eek::eek:


New User
Re: Moderator Guidelines

That makes it perfect :icon_thum:icon_thum We'd hate to offend our one Dutch member.



Re: Moderator Guidelines

Good job, Tracy.

I found one minor error where you dropped a verb (shown in Red below) in the very first section.

Offensive Material Within A Post
When possible, the first step should be to edit the offensive material from the post and let the conversation continue. Once you've edited the post send a PM to the posting member explaining your action.

I would also add the Red text to the sample:

I edited your post entitled "All Dutch people are heretics". The North Carolina Woodworker site policy prohibits certain subjects to be discussed, such as ethnicity or religion. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated!



Administrator , Forum Moderator
Re: Moderator Guidelines

Good job, Tracy.

I found one minor error where you dropped a verb (shown in Red below) in the very first section.

I would also add the Red text to the sample:

I also saw my goof up while awaiting the staff's response. I will edit it now. Thanks.


Administrator , Forum Moderator
Re: Moderator Guidelines

Rob, your edits have been added, thanks.


New User
Re: Moderator Guidelines

It looks pretty slick to me. I guess we'll adjust if necessary when we put it into practice. BTW, did someone disagree with the statement that all Dutch are heretics? Just askin' :rotflm:


Administrator , Forum Moderator
Re: Moderator Guidelines

It looks pretty slick to me. I guess we'll adjust if necessary when we put it into practice. BTW, did someone disagree with the statement that all Dutch are heretics? Just askin' :rotflm:
Bas added that verbiage, I think he is our only Dutch member here.


New User
Re: Moderator Guidelines PLEASE READ


Posting an explanation to the moderators forum
Why are we asking that a thread be posted in the Moderator and Admin forum each time an action is taken? There are three reasons:
- To ensure the moderators and admins know what is happening
- To know who who is posting material in violation of policy
- To drive consistency


It looks good :icon_thum


Recovering tool addict
Corporate Member
Re: Moderator Guidelines

Bas added that verbiage, I think he is our only Dutch member here.
Yup, I was the one that added it in. The Dutch tend to be fairly laid back. That's why in Austin Powers - Goldmember they decided to make fun of the Dutch :) We just like the attention! (you try being a country smaller than Massachusetts!).


Administrator , Forum Moderator
Re: Moderator Guidelines PLEASE READ


Posting an explanation to the moderators forum
Why are we asking that a thread be posted in the Moderator and Admin forum each time an action is taken? There are three reasons:
- To ensure the moderators and admins know what is happening
- To know who who is posting material in violation of policy
- To drive consistency


It looks good :icon_thum

Ok it is fixed:tongue2::tongue2::embaresse:embaresse ttthanks fffor ffffindinnnng tttthisss


Re: Moderator Guidelines PLEASE READ

I would suggest an exception to the separate thread in the Moderators Forum -- I just deleted a short duplicate post by Gotcha6 in the Auction in Locust thread that was the result of premature keystrokes, not a policy violation. I PM's him too.


Recovering tool addict
Corporate Member
Re: Moderator Guidelines PLEASE READ

Rob, I think that's administration, not moderation. Definitely no need to post to the forum about that, that's common sense. But it can't hurt to call that out in the guidelines. You know it, I know it, everyone else reading this thread knows it, but the moderator we recruit 6 months from now may not... :)


Re: Moderator Guidelines PLEASE READ

Let me start by saying that you've done a great job. Second is that I am tired, so please don't take offense if I am being overly picky. You can moderate me and send me a pm or not (see last sentence - and yes, I know that nothing in this post "qualifies" for moderating)

Under "Offensive material within a post"
If you are unsure, place (add the comma after unsure)

Threads That Need Closing - re-word to Threads That Need to be Closed

In Posts that cannot be edited:
In the event that you cannot edit out the offensive material [strike]then [/strike]delete - delete the word "then"

Under Offensive Thread
If you are unsure, put the thread - change the put to place (so it matches the other similar statements)

Under Posting explanation in mod forum....
To drive consistency - change "drive" or to "improve" consistency?

'This is not about "permission", it's to share your insight' - consider changing insight to something like "sharing what you were thinking, or where you were coming from?" Maybe better left alone, alternatives I suggested are kind of wimpy and could be interpreted as confrontational.

difference of opinion on whether or not something -suggested addition in red

Sending The PM
There is an automated PM that goes with most moderations. This means you don’t have to send a separate PM - okay, consistently through the instuctions above this statement state that you send a PM to the person who's post you are moderating. Now you say you don't have to. Consistency please.


Re: Moderator Guidelines PLEASE READ

I certainly do seem to have a way of stopping a thread dead. Did I overstep?


Administrator , Forum Moderator
Re: Moderator Guidelines PLEASE READ

Not at all. Your points are valid but I cannot make the changes until tonight.


New User
Re: Moderator Guidelines PLEASE READ

Okay, you asked :embaresse

I suggest when someone edits a post they copy the original text and save it. AFAIK when a post is edited the original is gone, except for the daily server backup. I usually drag the original to my desktop and save it as a clipping in case there is discussion of what was originally posted.

Threads That Need Closing
Sometimes, a thread will not be in violation of policy but the conversation is going in the wrong direction. Post a reply in the thread stating why you are going to close it. Then close the thread. You can then post a thread in the Mod’s forum explaining your actions.

I think "wrong direction" is vague and arbitrary for a "policy".

Maybe something like:
Threads That Need Closing
Sometimes, a thread or post is not in direct violation of policy but evokes heated exchanges. Post a reply in the thread stating why you are going to close it. Then close the thread. You can then post a thread in the Mod’s forum explaining your actions.

And under SAMPLE PM
Your post was edited because it was in violation of the North Carolina Woodworker site policy. It was not a judgement of the argument in your post or whether it was in good taste. Simply put, there are certain topics that lead to heated discussions that detract from the primary purpose of this site, which is to discuss woodworking. Your help in keeping the site friendly for everyone is appreciated.

Alternate suggestion
Your post was edited because it was in violation of the North Carolina Woodworker site policy. This action is not a pronouncement of the accuracy or validity of your post. However, there are topics that evoke heated discussions and detract from the primary purpose of the site, maintaining a friendly site for discussing woodworking.

BTW, good job folks!



New User
Re: Moderator Guidelines PLEASE READ

I suspect that not everyone is aware that whatever we end up with, not only will we follow it, but it must be available for all users to see. At least that was my intention. I firmly believe that the structure of the process must visible.:swoon::elvis:


Re: Moderator Guidelines PLEASE READ

I suspect that not everyone is aware that whatever we end up with, not only will we follow it, but it must be available for all users to see. At least that was my intention. I firmly believe that the structure of the process must visible.:swoon::elvis:
Absolutely! :thumbs_up And Roger, those are good changes, too. :eusa_clap
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