DQ not accepted at Klingspor :(

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Corporate Member

Always good to have an analog backup. Click on the link for the card(s) and print. I've even used it at out of state stores offering discounts to WW'ing clubs.
(Sorry Scott...I'm a sliderule guy in a Matlab world:wtongue:)
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New User
Perhaps, some of the staff can verify if what I am about to say is still true.

The whole DQ is pretty automated. Each evening, every registered user's status is calculated, by criteria listed someplace on the site. The actual visual status may not show up for up to 12 hours. ONLY ONCE A MONTH, on the 25th, does the system look and check for changes to be sent to some of the Discounters. On that day, the last list and the theoretical new list are compared and just the differences are sent. Though the discounter can request a complete new list, if they need it.

The bottom line is that some strange things can happen with the timing. For instance, if on the 26th you become DQ, Klingspor will not sent your name until the next month.
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Steve is 100% correct -- The Webmaster and staff are looking into this issue with Coleman. There may be some issues on our end, but we should get it worked out shortly.
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