Burning down the shop...

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New User
Hello... My name is Mike and I'm a woodworking addict!

Although I've been dabbling in woodworking for over 35 years, I had a situation in my shop last March that's changed my life. http://thewoodwhisperer.com/a-devastating-shop-fire/ As bad as it was, the road to recovery has restored my passion in woodworking. Fortunately, I was in a position to be able to rebuild my shop to the level that I had only dreamed about... all those "I wish had a.... or if I could do it over again, I'd..." moments that I had over the years were incorporated into my new shop. I'm now looking forward to satisfying my growing addiction by bouncing ideas around on this site.

Once I figure out how to post photos on this site I'll post a few of my shop...

Trent Mason

New User
Trent Mason
Welcome to the site Mike. :eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap As someone who works in the Fire/Water Restoration business, I know that a fire can be devastating, but by the time everything has been rebuilt, the homeowner is usually much happier than they were before. :thumbs_up:thumbs_up

Anyway, if you're looking for a group that will help feed your addiction, you couldn't have stumbled upon a better one right here. :gar-La; It's great to have you. :icon_thum


New User
Welcome to the site. Sorry to hear about the loss but glad things have worked out for the good and better than before. You won't find a better group of folks than right here.:eusa_danc


New User
Glad to have you here! We have another member here that lost his shop a while back and is back stronger than ever! Look forward to seeing some of your work!


New User
Mike sorry for your loss but I am very glad that no one was injured - Glad that you will be able to bounce back and get things up and running again


New User
Welcome Mike, I am glad you could join us. I look forward to your input in the forums. And thanks for the reminder that every storm cloud has a silver lining if you look at it the right way.



New User
Welcome to the site and sorry to hear about your troubles. Maybe the problems you had could be a way of teaching others what not to do and exactly what to do to maybe prevent this from happening to others.

Good luck on the rebuild and it usually works out better than before for some reason.


New User
Welcome to NCWWer, Mike!
Your positivism is great and I'm anxious to see pixs of your new shop :icon_thum



New User
Welcome aboard, Mike! I looked at your link and it took me back to a fire I went through a number of years back. I lost a house I was building with everything I owned but with the help of friends and my faith, I managed to start over again. I can certainly feel your pain but it sounds like you are coming back with renewed enthusiasm:eusa_clap! I look forward to seeing your pictures!

Bryan S

Corporate Member
Welcome to our sawdust pile Mike. Hate to hear about past troubles but glad to hear you have recovered and a new shop is there


New User
Scott Smith
Mike, welcome to NCWW; I think that you'll find that this is a great group of folks.

Unfortunately, I too know how devasting a shop fire can be; I lost mine in June of 2008. I will never forget the many NCWW members - most of whom I had not even met before - that came out and spent a day or two helping me to clean up and catalog everything after the fire. Their generosity provided a needed lift during a very difficult time.

I look forward to seeing your projects and reading your contributions.


Scott Smith
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