3rd Week Donation Report - We need help

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Tar Heel

New User
Our goal for donations for the fourth quarter is $1,500. The drive ends on October 31. With only 10 days left, we have 20 donations for a total of $625. In the past 24 hours we have had 2,469 active users, of which 334 were members. It's obvious that this site is utilized by a large number of people. A recent post by our founder stated that the site cannot survive on less than $1,500 per quarter. Unfortunately, this is an example of "There's no such thing as a free lunch". It takes money to operate it. If North Carolina Woodworker is important to you, and you would like to be a part of insuring that it will continue to exist, please consider joining the small number who have already made a donation and make a contribution in any amount that is comfortable to you.

As most of us know, new episodes of the New Yankee Workshop are a thing of the past. Many people think that the show has ended because Norm wanted to retire. He is not retiring, he will still be on This Old House. The real reason for the demise of NYWS is that it lost, and could not replace, two of its major sponsors. Our members are our sponsors. As stated above, we have 10 days left, so there is still time for our sponsors to "step up to the plate". It would be a shame to see North Carolina Woodworker eventually go the way of NYWS. Our combined efforts can prevent this from happening.

Douglas Robinson

Doug Robinson
Corporate Member
Actually, no. The fundraisers and the raffles (limit 2/year) are separate events. We are trying to run them so that they do not overlap. The BoD recently decided to hold 2 fundraisers/year down from the 4/year (1/quarter) in the past as is seemed like there was a donation drive going constantly.


Corporate Member
If my simple calculations are close that equals:

$1500/334 = $4.50 per quarter or about $20.00 per year. I will gladly pay $25.00/year to be a member.

But I have a simple mind.

Jeff :dontknow:


New User
Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die! :wsmile:
You'd think with the number of members we have that 10 bucks twice a year would be easy to attain!

I've gotit, by Jove, I've got it!:widea:

Let's apply for stimulus money!!


Douglas Robinson

Doug Robinson
Corporate Member
If my simple calculations are close that equals:

$1500/334 = $4.50 per quarter or about $20.00 per year. I will gladly pay $25.00/year to be a member.

But I have a simple mind.

Jeff :dontknow:

The BoD has routinely rejected the idea of requiring dues. First, it might make the site inaccessible to some people, and we do not want that, and 2) that may jeopordize our work to become a non-profit organization, thus allowing your donations to be tax deductible.


Corporate Member
A $25.00 charitable tax deduction doesn't mean a whole lot to most folks. Maybe $5.00 gain. Maybe we should rethink the non-profit issue. I am not a tax person but either way involves book work. Just thinking on how to keep it alive. The Triangle Woodworkers Association does it. How do they do it? Of course their site is no where near the quality of this site. M<aybe we should partner with them. I go with what ever works.

Jeff :icon_thum

Douglas Robinson

Doug Robinson
Corporate Member
FWIW: Some people donate considerably more than $25. Further non-profit status allows us to receive matching funds from employers with such programs. It also exempts us from sales taxes. Non-profit status is a very high priority.

Tar Heel

New User
Stuart, how can a person donate in honor of another member

Phillip, make your donation in whatever way you would like (check, paypal, etc.) Send our treasurer, Travis Porter a PM stating in whose honor the donation was made. That should do it.


Corporate Member
I hate to be the bearer of bad ideas, but could the board be easily redesigned so that the Search function is only available when you login? Might encourage more to join, and hopefully donate a few bucks. :dontknow:

Travis Porter

Corporate Member
One of the fundamentals for North Carolina Woodworker is to not require or restrict access to members on their ability to make financial donations as there are some members who do not have the money to donate for various reasons.

I personally agree with that philosophy. Just because you don't have the money to contribute (for whatever reason) it doesn't mean you are not a contributor to North Carolina Woodworker as your threads, posts, and pictures are contributions in and of themselves, and to me, they mean something. I do not want to see us segregate the membership for financials.


New User
One of the fundamentals for North Carolina Woodworker is to not require or restrict access to members on their ability to make financial donations as there are some members who do not have the money to donate for various reasons.

I personally agree with that philosophy. Just because you don't have the money to contribute (for whatever reason) it doesn't mean you are not a contributor to North Carolina Woodworker as your threads, posts, and pictures are contributions in and of themselves, and to me, they mean something. I do not want to see us segregate the membership for financials.

+1 :icon_thum
There are a lot of ways to contribute to NCWWer . . . money, time, informative posts, etc. NCWWer thrives because our members contribute in so many ways.



New User
Love the site - just made my first contribution. I'll plan on being a regular - more than willing to give some back for such a well-executed site/organization. Charitable deduction is a plus (don't forget about the discounts!!)

Tar Heel

New User
Thanks Randy for your contribution. I see that you are a relatively new member. We look forward to your participation.


New User
$1500/qtr does NOT pay the bills. That's just the amount needed from that revenue source. Right now there are x sources of revenue:


I think there are several more opportunties but people are going to have to think out side of the box.

Also I feel there was a tactical mistake. The raffle should not have been announced until the donation period was over.:thumbs_do

Since I am on the subject, I suspect that only having only 2 fund drives will backfire unless they are done in a different manner today.


Corporate Member
Speaking of thinking outside the box... I was having another brainstorming session and came up with this little token. We are a bunch of woodworkers right? We are always making stuff and giving it away right? Why not have people make and donate a bunch of projects items smaller than say a large flat rate postage box. Set up a collection time and place (maybe the picnic) then have either someone savy with ebay, or setup a booth at a craft fair and sell said items, using the proceeds for the site?:widea:


New User
Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die! :wsmile:
You'd think with the number of members we have that 10 bucks twice a year would be easy to attain!

I've gotit, by Jove, I've got it!:widea:

Let's apply for stimulus money!!


NCWW could use a little spenduls money from the G but they would cap Doug's salary that might not be a good idea. :rotflm:


New User
I haven't been around long, but I was around for the last donation drive. I watched the progress reports with the intention of contributing and just didn't get around to it.

I solved my problem by putting my donation as a recurring payment on the bill pay at the bank. Now I don't have to mess with it. It automatically gets done...all I have to do is put it in the check book.

I will say that I get every penny, and more, of my donation out of this site. I learn something new nearly every day and the people on this site are enjoyable. My donation is $100/year and I don't think that 25 cents per day is to much to ask of me. I would challenge people to make it a little easier on all the folks who invest so much effort on our behalf to make this site what it is....open up the wallet if you are financially able!!!


New User
I am still in favour of paying dues annually. I know the BOD doesn't want to go this route for fear of driving people away or making it only available to those that can afford it. But, as stated in the thread opener, the donation drive isn't working, it says we may go the way of NYWS, if something isn't working we need to change something! This site should not be supported by the few that donate. It will be worse for everybody if this site can't survive. A moral and ethical stance is fine, but it could drive the site out of existence.
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