Woodworking software

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Steve D

Steve DeWeese
Not a review per se but I thought I'd mention a couple of programs I have been using for some time now and have been pretty pleased with their ease of use and functionality.

Cutlist Plus http://cutlistplus.com/ This is a layout program to optimize material useage on projects. You put in the dimensions of the parts and the material to be used and it generates a cutting diagram to make the best use of your material. You can specify if you prefer to start with rip or crosscut, kerf size, etc. You can also maintain an "inventory" with it and cost out a project. It works best with sheet goods but I have used it for lumber as well. Definitely has paid for itself several times over in time and material savings.

Delta Cad http://www.dcad.com/ This is a cheap and easy cad program that is quite functional and easy to learn. There are others out there that are more powerful but they are also more expensive and have a pretty steep learning curve. This a really powerful way to play around with designs and dimensions.

my $.02

Steve D


New User
Thanks that is really good information, is Delta Cad similar to Eagle Point Cad. If so I should check it out. I use Eagle Point at work but it is way too expensive to have at home. Dave:)

Steve D

Steve DeWeese
I've never used Eagle point so I can't compare. Delta Cad is a basic 2D cad package that has most of the functionality that a woodworker needs. If you have used any other type of cad, I would think you would pick it up really quickly.

Steve D


New User
I've been using Cutlist for a few years and can't tell you how much money it has saved me in reducing wasted - especially for sheet goods. Once you get the hang of entering a project it is a breeze to work with. The end result is a great printout giving pick lists, cutting diagrams and hardware lists - it will even print parts labels for those really large projects so you don't get the cut pieces confused.

I enter the parts list for every proejct I am even considering. It will then calculate and layout my materials so I can get a quick cost picture to see if the project is worthwhile. I even used Cutlist last year to determine a vinyl cutting diagram when I was re-upholstering my boat. That project alone probably paid for the software. Okay, I've finished salivating over this application. Can you tell that I am really impressed by the software? :eusa_danc :eusa_danc .... and NO, I don't work for the company.
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