Why not give the man a try ?

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New User
Hey All,

I know a lot off y'all are within a driving distance of HF in Raleigh. I know a lot of you buy wood from Klingspor, Steve Wall, East Wake hardwoods, The Hardwood Store, etc.. But let me tell you about some of the prettiest wood out there and Jeff has it. I have been working on my shop for a while so I'm just getting ready to start building soon. But, I've purchased wood from him for future projects because his wood is pretty. He may not have what you need right now, but we all have storage so plan for the future.

If y'all don't believe me you should head down to one of his KD runs and just check out his product and meet some of the boys . Even if you don't buy anything I think that you'll have a good time. Remember " A bad day hanging around wood and woodworkers is better than most good days doing anything else."

Remember this is a good way to help your fellow woodworkers out. Jeff and Scott do a wonderful job on their product, as I'm sure Ivey and all the other local sawyers do. Support your local sawyers especially ones who are ncwoodworkers and we consider friends.

I'm of the soap box now !


Bryan S

Corporate Member
Jimmy I wont argue with you at all. I've seen some of his wood at the spring picnic, your right it is nice lumber and from seeing his post and a couple of brief conversations Jeff is a great guy.

Speaking only for myself so far I have only bought lumber in relitivly small quantities 15 BF & less and being only about 6 miles from the Hardwood Store it just hasn't made economic sense (yet that is) to drive down. Also the timing has'nt been right for me with the exception of the first run at picnic the others have all been on my weekend to work (I believe this is a conspiricy). It'll work out and I'll be sooner or later buying some lumber from Jeff.


New User
Hey Brian,

Thanks for the post, right now I'm all bought out. I am just trying to give a good guy (as all the members are) a jolt for his business. If I lived near The Hardwood store I'd use them too. But I know there are alot of members in the Wake, Johnston, Granville counties area that should just come and stop by, shoot the breeze and check it out. It's a good gathering.


ps. Don't just support Jeff, we should all support our fellow brothers, or sisters, in their businesses. Everybody could use a boost.


We've taken advantage of the lumber run at the picnic and have gone to Kyle's a couple of times. The Raleigh area stores aren't feasible for us because of their hours and distance from us. Being 5 hours from Raleigh makes the HF runs difficult for us, though we have used the NCWW pony express on several occasions. We tend to buy from Bee Tree in Swannanoa. When it is feasible to buy from our folks we do. Our members do a great job supplying wood for us.


New User
I agree with Jimmy totally. Let's do what we can to support Jeff, Kyle, Ivey and the other small mill operators. I've always gotten a more than fair deal from Ivey as I'm sure I would from Kyle and Jeff. How can you beat someone who'll meet you half way with a delivery?


New User
Reggie's right, If Kyle. Ivey, or Jeff are anywhere near you, use them. These are great people who will help you out and give you good deals too. I also don't want to forget any kiln operators, like Scott, who back up their product 100%. They try to take care of us, we should try taking care of them. I know some of you people live a ways off, and you're not the ones I refer to, but I know there are people out there who live close enough to these guys and they go out of there way to travel somewhere further away for wood.

All I say is give these guys a chance, you aren't obligated to buy, just stop by, shoot the breeze, and check out the product. You may be surprised at what you find.



Staff member
Corporate Member
Jimmy I agree 110%. We all need to support the "little guys" and buy from our friends. Not only because they are our friends but IMHO their products are better then what you can get inthe BORG store or other corperate delaers.

I will be at Jeff's next run on the 7th.


Jimmy thanks for the plug on behalf of the member sawmill and kiln operators.


New User
Thanks to everyone for your support. I speak for myself, but I'm sure that Jeff, Jack, Kyle, Scott and the other sawyers feel the same way.. The folks on this fourm that I sell wood to are like family that I am glad to go the extra mile for. Thanks again for your support.


New User
It is amazing ! I'm sure that my rant has some people thinking that I'm getting paid off or something. In fact it's just the opposite, I'm letting people in on a little treasure that a few of us know about. I'd be better off not saying anything and then I could keep getting the wood of my choice without any competitors.

Ivey, Kyle, Scott, Jeff and the rest of you independant guys I appreciate the thank yous, but I'm the one who should thank you guys. I came from NJ, there wasn't a whole lot of places or sawyers to choose from. Down here it's beautiful, people don't know what they have until it's gone and that is the sad truth.

Keep on sawing and drying and hopefully they will keep on buying.

Once again... Thank you gentlemen :eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap

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