Where is "My Albums" and Bulk Uploads now?

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New User
It used to be that when I clicked on the Photo Gallery main menu tab, I could then click a link called "My Albums" and from there an Upload button. Now I don't seem to see the "My Albums" link?

Any help is appreciated ... what I want to do is bulk upload (zip file) into some of my albums.


New User
Jeremy I just went that route and everything is where is always has been. There have been a few minor cosmetic changes, but for the most part everything is operating as is should.


New User
Hmmm... still not for me. Could it be related to my status change from Moderator to just member?

Is there a way to upload directly from the camera icon on these text area now?

Is there any other place to upload? I've always used Photo Albums --> My Albums --> Find the album and click the Upload button.


New User
OK I logged in as my wife (without any special privileges) and the My Albums function is still where is has always been. But the bulk upload option is missing.
This is something that needs looking into. Thanks for bring it to our attention.

Jim, Bas........help :eusa_pray:eusa_pray:eusa_pray:eusa_pray


PS this is Audrey with a really deeper voice :eusa_doh::eusa_doh::eusa_doh::eusa_doh: Sorry I forgot I was logged in as my wife.
She doesn't really look like her avatar...trust me.



New User
Jim Campbell
When you are referring to Bulk Uploads, is that at the bottom of the Upload Photo page? Something titled "ADMIN OPTIONS FOR BULK OR ZIP UPLOADS"?

I tested with my own non-administrative account. I do not see that ADMIN OPT..... area.

For that to work, a user would need to have ftp'd something up to the server, which I'd kind of guess is not something we open up to the general user community.

You can put a zip file in the normal "Upload photo" box.
You can upload more than one image at a time, however you must upload ZIP files and VIDEOS one at a time.​

Steve is still working on the Flash Uploader, could that be whats missing?

Screen shots might help me if I'm not following.



New User
Jim Campbell
Jeremy, looks like two seperate issues.

I think I fixed your access to My Albums. It was related to your groups. See if that works now. As I mentioned above (or below depending on your thread view preferences :) ), you can upload a zip file in the normal Upload Photo box.

Still working on the other issue regarding bulk uploader.


It used to be that when I clicked on the Photo Gallery main menu tab, I could then click a link called "My Albums" and from there an Upload button. Now I don't seem to see the "My Albums" link?

Any help is appreciated ... what I want to do is bulk upload (zip file) into some of my albums.


New User
Jeremy, looks like two seperate issues.

I think I fixed your access to My Albums. It was related to your groups. See if that works now. As I mentioned above (or below depending on your thread view preferences :) ), you can upload a zip file in the normal Upload Photo box.

Still working on the other issue regarding bulk uploader.


That did it ... the My Albums is back! Thanks! :thumbs_up


New User
BTW - I have not tried uploading a ZIP file (which is what I call bulk upload). I never went to a "special" area, I just used one of the five image fields but instead of an image I would pick a zip file with my images in it. I will try that tonight.


New User
BTW - I have not tried uploading a ZIP file (which is what I call bulk upload). I never went to a "special" area, I just used one of the five image fields but instead of an image I would pick a zip file with my images in it. I will try that tonight.
The zip file upload is one of the weakest portions of PP's upload process. It suffers all the problems of the regular upload, no error recovery or error messages masked by the zip file.

Does it work? yes if everything goes right. If there is a problem, generally you won't why?

The best options is bulk upload, but that requires FTP privilages and only a few people have that.

The best future option, may the new Flash Uploader function, but of course it isn't working and PP's attitude i that they don't support it, just provide it.:slap::BangHead:

If Jim or I can get it fixed, we will and we can see if it is as good as its potential.


New User
I've been using the zip file upload for a long time (as you can see by my image count). It's worked good and is so easy to use ... I hope it doesn't disappear. The simplicity of it is what makes it great.


New User
Jim Campbell
Whew, glad that fixed it.

Sounds like you are back in buisness.

If no one objects, I'm going to close out this request.

Steve loves photo post. Ask him about his "I Heart PP" bumper sticker :p


BTW - I have not tried uploading a ZIP file (which is what I call bulk upload). I never went to a "special" area, I just used one of the five image fields but instead of an image I would pick a zip file with my images in it. I will try that tonight.
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