Volunteers needed for Klingspor Extravaganza

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This will be the 10th annual Klingspor Extravaganza in Hickory, NC. As in the past NCWW will have our normal booth so we can introduce NCWW benefits to others. To make this year even more special to Klingspor and NCWW we have arranged for our own Greg Paolini to attend on Saturday October 30. Greg will be putting on 4 special presentations. I know what they will be and I can tell you that you don't want to miss any of them.

To make this all work we will need volunteers to assist in the booth by talking to people about NCWW, selling raffle tickets, helping with demos, and by bringing your own items for display. Besides Greg's presentations we will be doing scroll saw demos, box making with kreg jigs and turning weed pots. There is also opportunities for other demos if you can help out.

So please PM me of reply here if you can help out and which day and time you will be available. If you have never been to one of these you are really missing out. These are a fun event and Klingspor will be offering up some extra special deals. Don't miss out.
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Administrator , Forum Moderator
I'll be there both days. Let me know what is needed of me. I'll do what I can.


New User
Bruce Swanson
I'll be attending both days Scott. I'll be putting in a little time with at the Western Piedmont Woodcrafters, but I can help at the NCWW booth too. Just give me a shout--I can't hear the best.
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