User levels requirements discussion

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New User
Ok here is a "Strawman" of what I think the Users Levels should require.
New User
Less than 60 days registered.
Register User
More than 60 days
Senior User
More than 183 days
10 posts or greater
Visit Freq >= 3
Has introduced themselves in "who we are" forum
Corporate Member
More than 183 days
10 posts or greater
Visit Freq >= 3
Has introduced themselves in "who we are" forum
Paid Dues if any.
Supplied Legal Name
Supplied Address
Supplied Phone Number
Has checked "optin" for Corporate Membership
Those items in red above are required for Corporate membership by NC law


Staff member
Corporate Member
Under senior member, I am not sure what is gained with "has introduced them self in the who we are forum" but I have no real issue with this qualification.

Under corporate member, how about saying: is current with their dues?


New User
Under senior member, I am not sure what is gained with "has introduced them self in the who we are forum" but I have no real issue with this qualification.

Under corporate member, how about saying: is current with their dues? YES
Just trying to get people to intro duce themselves. It is a requirement for DQ so why not Senior USER


Staff member
Corporate Member
USER vs Member...I will get it straight in 10 or 15 years :rotflm:


New User
Jim Campbell
I thought about this for a while, and have two comments.

I'd add visit frequency or number of visits to Register User. I wonder about bumping up a level if someone registers to the site and doesn't visit it.

What I'd also love to see is a verbal description of what each level means. You've defined the criteria, but I'm a but unclear as to what each level signifies.

Something like:

New User
This level distinguishes people who are newly approved to join to the site. It allows us to be aware of trends in the activites in new users. We can use this level to target helpful information and alerts us to extend extra effort to bring these users into the community.

Criteria: 60 days from approved registration



New User
I would change it all around, I'm feeling cantankerous today :cool:

I would like to see -

Newbie -

Less than 60 days registered
Less than 10 posts/3 threads

Regular (or Full) Member -

More than 60 days
10 posts or greater
Visit Freq >= 3
Has introduced themselves in "who we are" forum

Senior Member (if needed, I don't think we need a classification)-

More than 720 days (or greater to designate those members who have really been around for a long while and helped grow the site)
Maybe even 500 or 1000 posts, something that would really set them apart and make a goal to shoot for.

Corporate Member-

More than 183 days
10 posts or greater
Visit Freq >= 3
Has introduced themselves in "who we are" forum
Paid Dues if any.
Supplied Legal Name
Supplied Address
Supplied Phone Number
Has checked "optin" for Corporate Membership



New User
This is my $.25

New User or Newbie
Less than 60 days registered.
and / or
Less than 5 posts and 1 thread
Full Member
More than 60 days
have 5 posts and 1 thread
Visit Freq >= 1
Has introduced themselves in "who we are" forum
Senior Member
More than 720 days (2 years)
1000 posts or greater
Visit Freq >= 3
Has introduced themselves in "who we are" forum
Corporate Member
More than 183 days
10 posts or greater
Visit Freq >= 3
Has introduced themselves in "who we are" forum
Paid Dues if any.
Supplied Legal Name
Supplied Address
Supplied Phone Number
Has checked "optin" for Corporate Membership

1. New User or Newbie (the newbie is from DaveO Post)
Less than 5 posts or 1 thread - (in responce to DaveO Post)

2. Full Member I like Full..

3. I would like to see a Full Member a Full Member, Under DaveO Post you could be DQ but not a Full Member.. DQ Info

4. Senior Member.. I like!! I would not be a Senior Member, I have been a member for 3+ years but I have only 754 as of this post so I need to get to posting. :gar-Bi

This is my $.26


New User
Jim Campbell
Just to stir the pot, I've been reading the Vbulletin documentation (after giving up on magically waking up knowing all.....)

Would we want to utilize User Rank, User Titles and/or User Reputation features as part of User Levels?

I ask, as it might help us frame this discussion in terms of those features.

Steve, I look to you for a Yeah/Nah/Pizoff on this.



New User
First and foremost, please, please, understand that the word Member should ONLY be used for Corporate Members. The ones that have a vote. If we use it anywhere else. it can create a problem.

I think I haven't explained well what we are trying to achieve. We need to define who is a corporate member because we want to know who can vote and give those people that haven't optin a chance to do so. The primary motivation for having multiple levels was just so that the Bylaws could say, if you are X then you could be Corporate Member if you so desire, by providing us the necessary contact info required by law and paying your dues.

There will be people who are "senior" but don't want to be Members for privacy and/or financial reasons.

Now let's look at the other end of the spectrum that has been suggested. Using the criteria some of you just listed, we would have 100 users listed as newbies who have been users for over a year and visit at least once week.:nah:

So we use almost any titles, and have many more or less different levels. BUT, becuase this is customing programming and the way it is currently structured. Each level must be have greater requirements than the one before it, with Corporate Member being the highest.

If we want to in addition as Dave is suggesting recognize those super senior people who have too much time on their hands:rotflm: have 1000's of posts, we can do that , but as a different task.

So bottom line we need an agreement about what the levels are, names and quals, that are incremental in nature and don't leave holes in terminology like the newbie example from above. Other than that there are no limitations:rotflm::rotflm: I can finish the programming.

Just as clarofocation. this thing is table driven o I don't have to change progrmming to make changes so long as they meet the above general criteria

Douglas Robinson

Doug Robinson
Corporate Member
Whatever is decided lets do it quickly! I need to move the nominations/elections along and I have a tight deadline!!!!!


Ok here is a "Strawman" of what I think the Users Levels should require.
New User
Less than 60 days registered.
[STRIKE]Register[/STRIKE] User
More than 60 days
Senior User
More than 183 days
10 posts or greater
Visit Freq >= 3
Has introduced themselves in "who we are" forum
Corporate Member
More than 183 days
10 posts or greater
Visit Freq >= 3
Has introduced themselves in "who we are" forum
Paid Dues if any.
Supplied Legal Name
Supplied Address
Supplied Phone Number
Has checked "optin" for Corporate Membership
Those items in red above are required for Corporate membership by NC law
I agree that this is the most straight forward definition of our User levels. I would change "Register[ed] User" to "User". The word "Regiistered" is meaningless since everyone must register to be on the site. This scheme allows people that have been active on the Forums for at least six months to opt-in to become Corporate Members.

My .02 -- if we keep it simple, no one will be offended by the naming conventions.
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