Update - Please read

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Tar Heel

New User
Here it is July 15, and we are 15 days into our new corporate year. As of July 1, the role of our founder and primary benefactor, Steve Coles, has changed. As has been stated before, Steve has transferred the responsibility of running the corporation to the board of directors, and has considerably reduced his financial committment, which has been $500 per month. I believe the transition has been very smooth and doubt seriously, that anyone can tell a difference in the quality of the site. In order for the this website to continue at the same level, it is absolutely imperative that we find a way to replace the loss of $6,000 of revenue. We have set an ambitious goal of raising $1,500 per quarter from donations. The donation drive started on July 7 and will end on August 7. At the end of the first week, we are far behind the first week of last quarters drive. I encourage each of us to consider what this site means to us and, if we feel it is something that we would like to continue, to make a donation to help insure that continuity. We have decided to have quarterly vs. annual drives since it might be easier to make a meaningful contribution in four installments rather than one. North Carolina Woodworker, and all who post here appreciate your suport.


New User
Thank you for the reminder Stuart. It is my hope that we will always be able to provide this website as a free membership community. However, without help from our members through donations it will become increasingly difficult.

We are all aware of these difficult financial times but I urge everyone to contribute what you can. Every little bit helps. Ugh, I sound like an announcer at NPR! :eek:

To all the volunteer staff I say thanks. How in the world Steve was able to do it all is beyond my comprehension.


Splint Eastwood

New User
Thank you for the reminder Stuart. It is my hope that we will always be able to provide this website as a free membership community. However, without help from our members through donations it will become increasingly difficult.

We are all aware of these difficult financial times but I urge everyone to contribute what you can. Every little bit helps. Ugh, I sound like an announcer at NPR! :eek:

To all the volunteer staff I say thanks. How in the world Steve was able to do it all is beyond my comprehension.



You forgot the part about : Operators are standing by! :gar-Bi

Ditto what you said !


Master Scrap Maker
I'm curious to see a breakdown of the costs being incurred for the website hosting. Is this information available to members?


Staff member
Corporate Member
Chris the BoD is looking to issue a financial statement. Watch for it soon.


New User
Why not update the scrolling message each day of the drive with how much has been donated and how much is left to meet the goal? You see the temp gauge and tote boards at all kinds of events looking for donations...they must have a positive effect on the outcome or they would not be used do much.

Just a thought...


Tar Heel

New User
Why not update the scrolling message each day of the drive with how much has been donated and how much is left to meet the goal? You see the temp gauge and tote boards at all kinds of events looking for donations...they must have a positive effect on the outcome or they would not be used do much.

Just a thought...


Bill, we are currently trying to determine the best way in which to inform the members of the status of the drive. We are very sensitive to the fact that we don't want to become thought of in the same way as PBS when they do their fund raising drives. Thank you for your suggestion.


New User
We should also look to reduce costs. In the financial report, I hope members can see things like hosting expenses, software costs, advertising (if there are any), and such. Looking forward to the financial statement. We CAN make this work!
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