Thoughts and prayers for one of our own

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New User
I just got word the Reggie "Jackleg" 's wife Mary took a bad fall last night and is in the hospital. She broke a few ribs but so far seems stable. I'm sure he'll update when he can. I know they will appreciate our best wishes and prayers.


Robert Arrowood

New User
Robert Arrowood
I'm sorry to hear about your wife Reggie.Both of you will be in my thoughts and prayers.She has been there for you now it's time for you to be there for her.Knowing the folks on this site let us know if you need anything.


Administrator , Forum Moderator
Barbara, thanks for letting us know. I was just there yesterday visiting with Reggie. Reggie, if there is anything you need brother, you got my numbers. Tell Mary we hope she heals well and quick.


New User
I am sorry to hear this sad news.

You'll both be in my thoughts & Prayers, for Mary to heal quickly and for Reggie to hang in there and give Mary the love she needs during this tough time.



New User
Reggie, I am sorry to hear about Mary, please know that you both are in my prayers - Please let us know if you need anything

Trent Mason

New User
Trent Mason
Thanks for passing this along Barbara.

Reggie, I'm very sorry to hear of your wife's accident. You all are definitely in our thoughts and prayers.


New User
Thanks to all for your prayers and concerns. Mary is doing OK for having 4 broken ribs and a punctured lung. The lung puncture is minor and not a "great" concern but is being closely watched. All blood work is normal. The main concern at present is abnormally low BP and they are touching all bases to determine the cause.

This is a woman who works and goes at life like a 35 year old, and sorry to say, we aren't 35 anymore! Those of you who know Mary know what I mean.

Thanks again and keep us in your prayers. She's gonna be a sore lady for some time to come.


New User
Reggie, thanks for the update - I know her pain - I fell through the 2nd floor joist on a job summer of 08 and broke three of mine - man I was in some pain for awhile - you both will be in my prayers


Administrator , Forum Moderator
Reggie, you know you and Mary are close to my heart. I am praying for both of you. Kathy and Libby are praying as well. You need anything my friend, please call.


New User
I'm so very sorry to here that,I pray for a full a speedy recovery.Just make sure she takes it easy an doesn't try to do to much to soon.


New User
Reg, we are so sorry to hear of Mary's fall. Please let her know that Jackie and I have her in our thoughts. Here's to her fast recovery!


We are hoping that Mary recovers soon without complications. I know how painful broken ribs can be after my bad fall just under two years ago when I cracked two of them along with severe damage to my right shoulder -- I found sleeping in a recliner was much more tolerable.

We wish her well -- but Reggie, you've got to stop her from toting all that cypress out to the solar kiln! I know you've got a great marriage, but you gotta stop being so tough on her!


Corporate Member
Reggie, I am sorry to hear about the fall.:eek: Best wishes to Mary for a speedy recovery. :eusa_pray

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