Thanks Kyle

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The WoodButcher

New User
The WoodButcher
:eusa_clap Hi Kyle, Thanks for the referal. JD, Just called me with a job. He has 4 or five oak, sweetgum :)eusa_doh: ) and a few he couldn't name. He just wants them gone. I recon I owe you one :icon_thum Thanks again, I'll be going there this weekend to check it out. :eusa_danc


New User
Kyle Edwards
hey no problem..glad you can do something with them. Apparently some real nice wood and good sized as well.

The WoodButcher

New User
The WoodButcher
Yeah, he's got a mixed lot. I ain't much on the sweetgum but I can slice it up. I'm not real sure my mill will do them, he makes it sound like they might be too big. I hope not, I'm gonna go there this weekend and take a look. I have just put my mill under the building again so I'll go get the logs and bring them here. BTW Kyle, do you burn your waste, haul it off or sell it for fire wood? :eusa_danc


New User
Kyle Edwards
a little bit of all three. My cousin uses a boiler to heat his water and house and takes a good bit of the wood. The logs that are not good for lumber are piles of firewood for sale. I usually give away as much as possible since the off fall can build up pretty fast.
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