Suggested Home Improvement Thread

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Ray Martin

New User
One of our members just posted a suggestion for a "home improvement" forum.

While I can certainly see some benefits to such a forum, I think it could also take us (rather quickly) beyond the stated purpose of our forum. In his post, Steve noted A/C, dryer vent, and plumbing problems.

I think that some of our other forums already cover woodworking related home improvements.

I didn't want to post a reply without discussion by the Advisory Board.



New User
Before anyone replying to that thread, let's hear some more opinions on the subject. Monty, Dave, clay, etc.?


I think as woodworkers we are good with our hands. I don't think it is a far stretch to ask questions about home repair, of which some is woodworking related. Just preference the help with the fact that you stayed in a "Holiday Inn Express" last night! We ask questions about wiring our shops, pretty similar I think.


Clay Lowman
While I think the forum a good idea, I think that most of the questions asked would be/could be asked in general forums. I struggle to wonder if a home improvement forum would "fit in" this site in general.


I'm not opposed to a new Forum, but perhaps it should go under our grouping of Other forums to keep from overloading the General Woodworking Forum. In the past, we have had many threads that cover many H.I. topics that are not woodworking per se (like DaveO's plumbing issue). I'm in favor of one there...


New User
IIRC a variation of this proposal came up previously. The solution then was to create the Workshop Forum with the byline "Tell us about your workshop, or get help with workshop planning and setup". Part of the intention was that it would address some issues including plumbing, electrical, etc., yet not fully stray into the full DIY spectrum.

Whatever the Advisory Panel decides is OK :cool:
Just wanted to add a bit of historical perspective :mrgreen:



Corporate Member
I say stick to woodworking and not go down the home improvement path.

Just my .02 cents.


New User
Woodworking is a broad enough topic to cover, but I wouldn't be opposed to it if everybody else really wanted it. It would be a nice place to discuss woodworking-related HI projects, like built-ins, cabinets, etc. We would just have to tolerate the occasional wiring/plumbing type questions. We would need another moderator to cover it. I'd say let's watch that thread and see what the demand is.


New User
Personally I think that a separate forum for topic that are more home improvement related would be a good idea...IF....we wanted to organize that information in a better way to help folks find it later. I find myself asking HI type questions on this site because I know that I will get some good information from folks I can trust, and if I am looking for a recommendation for HI assistance in my local area, this is the only place I will find that information.
I don't know if a separate HI forum would be utilized as much as others, but woodworkers are generally handy DIY type people, and those questions will arise. Having a separate forum would help to keep that type of advice/information in an area that would be easier to search.



New User
I guess it is time for me to say something. I am very surprised at the amount of controversy that this suggestion has raised:chatterbox::laugh: I think this is the first time any suggestion, let alone one that asks for a new forum has taken so long to come to a conclusion. I worry about that because I don't want us to loose our reputation for rapid responsiveness.

Frankly, I find myself agreeing with everyone, in general, but not, perhaps in specifics. So I have not come to any preference. Well, that's not quite true. I would like us to accommodate the request in some way. Whether or not that's a new forum of just guidelines of where to post that kind of material.

Some thoughts that I have had that came from the discussion but are not necessarily on point.

What is woodworking?

Well, to state the obvious, it means to me "working with wood". With that definition then carpenter's rough or finish qualify. Do I agree, absolutely:yes:Does that mean we should have forums just for those topics and sub-topics. Yes, IF, there was both enough interest and sufficient traffic. But, so far, there hasn't been. Let me use a couple of examples that perhaps you all would agree with me.

We have a large number of sawyers as members and a lot of interest in what they do. So if Jeff, Scott, Kyle and some others were to ask for a specific forum for their craft, I would certainly vote to do it.

Here's another that is not probably going to happen, but it illustrates my point, I hope. Timber Framing. If this forum was centered in New England or Oregon, there would be a lot of interest in that topic and we would probably have a forum dedicated to it..

OK, preaching done. But what about plumbing, electrical, etc. I'm just not sure.:goofy: BUT, we really have to make a decision.:yes:


New User
Hey, did I just kill this thread:swoon:I didn't mean to:wconfused:We really need to make some decision. I would hope that there would be some form of compromise that we couls all live with.:widea:


New User
Jon Todd
What if we try it and if it doesnt seem to go good we can always remove it.


While I agree that we do not want this site to head down the DIY path at the expense of our central theme, about 1/2 of the members have supported the idea of a separate forum for Home Improvement topics. I think our best move would be to add one (and only one) forum in the Other group and let's see how it evolves.


New User
While I agree that we do not want this site to head down the DIY path at the expense of our central theme, about 1/2 of the members have supported the idea of a separate forum for Home Improvement topics. I think our best move would be to add one (and only one) forum in the Other group and let's see how it evolves.

I agree with Rob on this one

Ray Martin

New User
I would hate to see this site morph into a DIY/HI site over time. I think that kind of forum will attract more of the carpenter/homebuilder/handyman type of people who may not care about woodworking as such, but as a means to an end. I'm not trying to be elitist or purest just not so broad that we lose the focus of the group.

We already have the workshop forum and the off topic forum and with maybe a little tweeking or not those should do all we need in the home improvement area.

I think I have to agree with Mike on this. I don't think we are bring exclusionary or elitist if we follow a specific path. I will never say that one, HI vs WW, is better than the other.

We (Steve) started a woodworking forum. Many of us joined because it is a woodworking forum. All of us stay because the folks here are terrific and it satisfies our desires in the area of woodworking.

I do think that if we try to be one answer that satisfies all of the people, all of the time, on all of the topics, we will be spread so thin that it would be difficult, if not impossible, to maintain such an incredible site.

Sorry if that sounds like a rant (not meant to be)... just my 2 cents worth.

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