Spalted Holly "Hollow Form"???

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Nate Davey

New User
Had some issues with my chuck running out but finally got the lathe turning round again so tried out my new Sorby Medium Hollower on this piece of spalted Holly. It is uniformly 1/8' except for the base that I left a little thicker for weight. I also used my new Trend Airshield Pro. Sure is nice coming in the house able to breathe through my nose.

I started thinking about shooting with out a flash as I don't have a photo tent. So, this is straight off the camera with cropping and resizing being the only editing. The photo gradient background is off my printer on 8.5x11 paper. F-stop 8, shutter speed 1 sec, overhead fluorescent lights only.

Candid Criticism and comments welcomed.



New User
That is a very nice piece Nate. Great work! Thanks for all of the details. :icon_thum:icon_thum


Corporate Member
Great looking piece Nate, looks like it was fun. I have always liked this style of form and the wood makes this one look fantastic.

Matt Furjanic

Senior User
Try masking your flash with a piece of white bond paper. this works great on close-ups where the flash washes out the picture, or if you just want to get rid of harsh shadowing. The paper must be pure white or it will color the image with the color of the paper. Matt...


Corporate Member
Nice work Nate. Great use of a beautiful piece of wood.
Glad you got your run out issues resolved.
Glad you wore the airshield. Spalting, rot, fungus, etc can't be good for us no matter how great it makes the wood look.

Trent Mason

New User
Trent Mason
Excellent work! :eek: Just out of curiosity, what is "F-stop?" I saw that on a surfing website recently and wondered what it was.... :eusa_thin

Nate Davey

New User
"F-Stop (f) is your aperture setting on your camera. It's how big a 'hole" lets in the picture. The larger the F-Stop the more depth of field you will have, ie the whole object in focus.


New User
Beautiful job. :notworthy:

Is there a finish on it?

Had some issues with my chuck running out but finally got the lathe turning round again so tried out my new Sorby Medium Hollower on this piece of spalted Holly.

Is this the Sorby you used? It was almost on my Christmas list. What were your opinions on it?

I started thinking about shooting with out a flash as I don't have a photo tent. So, this is straight off the camera with cropping and resizing being the only editing. The photo gradient background is off my printer on 8.5x11 paper. F-stop 8, shutter speed 1 sec, overhead fluorescent lights only.
Try masking your flash with a piece of white bond paper. this works great on close-ups where the flash washes out the picture, or if you just want to get rid of harsh shadowing. The paper must be pure white or it will color the image with the color of the paper. Matt...

VERY much appreciate these extra tips on photographing pieces. :thumbs_up:thumbs_up:thumbs_up:thumbs_up:thumbs_up:thumbs_up:thumbs_up
I have a heck of a time trying to get a good shot with my relatively cheap digital camera. I can't adjust depth of field (as far as I've been able to find so far) and its macro focusing stinks. I JUST got it to take an acceptable macro shot last week. I also just found out it has a "flash intensity" setting, so I'll definitely fiddle with that next time. I've been using high ambient light like a torchiere lamp bounced off the ceiling or an under-the-counter fluorescent light for small pieces. I miss my old film SLR sometimes, but I also don't want to spend the money for a good digital camera. I just don't use it enough.

Nate Davey

New User
I have a flood coat of wipe on poly right now. I think it looks better satin than gloss, so will do one or two more coats and that will be it.

Yes, that is the Sorby I have. I've only used it once, but like it so far for small stuff.
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