Simple Bandsaw Box Step by Step

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Joe Scharle

New User
In another post I was asked to show the steps to make these simple boxes. Here we go.....

I've used a piece of 4 X 4 glued up scrap. You can see there are at least a couple of profiles that will work. I'll use another profile too.

I draw the outlines for the cuts with a compass and straight edge, then cut the block off a little fat of the line. I can make better cuts with the bandsaw blade staying in the wood and not popping free.

Step 1: Cut the outside profile.

Step 2: Cut off the main box back.

Step 3: Cut out the drawer plug.

Try to keep the entry kerf to a single kerf.

Step 4: Slice off the FRONT and BACK (Mark these as you cut them off). Set aside.

Step 5: What you're left with now is the drawer box plug itself. You can cut the channel out free handed or draw a line to follow. Points to consider are; leave enough gluing area on each end, make the channel a size that will fit around a spindle sander or one end of your RIDGID belt attachment.

At this point your pieces will look something like this:

Step 6: The kerf on the MAIN body needs some glue and clamping to close up. I sometimes use a spring clamp to keep the edges flush while another clamp draws the kerf shut. The DRAWER body is pretty obvious, just glue the F & B ends where they came from. After the glue cures, sand and finish. Don't sand the DRAWER body any more than necessary as it will get smaller and look funny.

When finished, glue on a pull and you'll have something like this.



New User
I recognize your hands on the work. Whose hands are on the camera? The camera hands are also very talented.


New User
Nicely done. Very informative, good pixs.:icon_thum
I usually use a 3/16" x 10 TPI blade, it give a pretty smooth cut and you can make fairly tight turns.


Corporate Member
Well. After I watched and captured Joe's artistry of band saw boxes on film, he handed me a new blank and said "Have at it Boy".:wsmile:

I have to admit that freehand cutting on a band saw or scroll saw is not one of my best woodworking skills. This stuff will need a lot of practice on my part.

In keeping with Joe's request, here is a picture of my first attempt at a band saw box.:elvis::embaresse:embaresse



LOML said that it looked like a miniature mailbox!:rotflm::rotflm:

Thanks for the hands on education, Joe. I promise that I will try and do better next time.:embaresse


Joe Scharle

New User
Wayne, that looks better than mine!
Like I said, these little boxes are both a good way to test your tune-up and great practice exercises for using the bandsaw. Also, gets rid of scrap too!
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