Reported Post by Sully

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New User
Sully has reported a post.

I would dare say this borders on political commentary.
Post: Do not use pro stone granite co
Forum: Reviews
Assigned Moderators: toolferone

Posted by: Jeff Mills
Original Content:
wow and I wonder how companies in this country stay in business, especially the way the economy is and continues to be. Seems to be a sign of the times... starts from the very top and works it's way down. Not many give a _ _ _ _ anymore, we need new leadership, someone who gives a _ _ _ _ and will set an example for the rest.


Administrator , Forum Moderator
I would like to see a moderator take this post off line and then I will issue an infraction to Jeff. He is testing us. We need to pass the test......


Staff member
Corporate Member
PM sent to Jeff Mills:

And you were doing so well, Jeff. I fear repercussions if you choose to leave this post intact.

Not sure when he will come back online. I'd give him a few hours and then we should proceed with an infraction issuance.


Administrator , Forum Moderator
Really this thread needs to be deleted in my opinion. It goes against the GRAIN of our friendly website. Opinions........


Staff member
Corporate Member
I did get Jeff to delete his thread. Here's his PM to me & my response:

Post deleted - wow it's strange how that was taken political when it wasn't meant to be. It was meant to say how lack of leadership at the highest level flows down. Thanks for pointing that out...[/QUOTE]

I fear the history you have with the Moderators here tends to leave little room for liberal interpretation on statements that could be double entendres. If the Mods here think it appears political, they will interpret it thus.
BTW, how's the guitar project coming?

As for the thread itself, I get a little uneasy when everyone starts to ranting about a shoddy contractor, but we ask members to post favorable reviews as well, so I suppose there must be some avenue to expose these companies. I agree, however, that a report to Angie's List and the BBB would go a lot farther. This site is not local enough to have an impact on these businesses.
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