[Problem-Main Site] My thumbnail links are not working???

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I need some help getting my thumbnail image links working within my most recent post. I went back to Monty's tutorial, but it seems that the information below the photos is somewhat different than it use to be (there once were 3 addresses and now it is showing only one).

This is all new to me, and I realize that I may be missing something that is obvious. Thanks for the help!



New User
Mike, I am not sure that I can offer any advice, as I haven't ever done thumbnails. But I do know that the photo gallery software has just been updated and that could explain the changes in the address offered.


New User
Re: [How Do I-Other] Image poll

Mike you can get the picture URL in other formats by clicking on the little icon next to (on the right) the URL showing as the Linked Thumbnail.

I think that if you copy/paste the provided link you should get the thumbnail you were looking for. I'll try -

Yep, that works!

Opps, I some how posted this in the wrong thread 8-O:oops:8-O:oops:
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There are changes in the Photo Gallery software update that change the pre-selected links. The update only includes a link for the thumbnail itself. I just corrected the links in the other thread and posted the following information there and here on how to get a thumbnail to respond with a larger picture when clicked in a message:

I opened the Photo Gallery with the pictures from your Gallery in a second window. As before, get the URL of the thumbnail by right-clicking on it and selecting properties. In the new window with those properties, drag/select the address (URL) and again right-click on it and select Copy. I the message window, use the Insert Picture icon to put the thumbnail into your message. Now return to the full size picture in the gallery and right-click on the full sized picture and again select Properties. Highlight the address again and right-click for the Copy command to put the address in the Paste buffer. Return to the message window and single click on the thumbnail to select it. Now, click on the Insert Hyperlink icon (Globe with chain link) and paste the buffer into the Address with CTRL-V (or right-click/Paste). This now associates the full sized picture with the thumbnail.

Hope this helps.


New User
Rob, I like your method better. There is less junk on the page doing it your way :icon_thum

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