poor guy lost an eye to a... lawnmower?!?

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New User
Swear to god: saw a patient today in the ER who lost his eyeball while mowing his lawn. An ordinary push mower threw a rock which bounced off the garage wall and hit him in the eye. Who wears safety glasses for mowing the lawn? I do now.


New User
Well, I don't, but I launched a golf ball into a propane tank once and my dog laying near it **** himself. Now when I fire up the mower, he moves to the opposite side of the house from where I'm mowing.
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New User
That is a sad thing to hear.I done landscaping for many yrs and folks just don't realize that mowers,trimmers,edgers an so many other machine throw out rocks and other debree at over 100 MPH.I have approached more than one total stranger and pointed out that fact.Maybe I have saved an eye or two,don't know,but I know I tried.


Corporate Member
I wear safety glasses and ear protection when weed-eating, but not eye protection usually when riding the mower (don't push one anymore but used to and wore the eye protection due to too many "close calls"). My BIL's vinyl siding looks like it took a load of buckshot from another BIL running the mower over the gravel in the drive way.

Gotta respect the power of those spinny machines. (May be a reason I still don't have a lathe :rotflm:)


Trent Mason

New User
Trent Mason
Man, that's too bad for that guy. :tinysmile_cry_t: I've never worn safety glasses mowing the lawn, but that seems like one of those one in a million chances.... :eusa_thin


New User
I have always worn safety glasses and ear plugs when mowing and weeding - and boy do I get some funny looks from some folks... :cool: I guess I get my safety streak from having worked in a chemical plant/refinery complex where safety is drilled into you constantly. :dontknow:


Corporate Member
Safety glasses and hearing protection for most everything except weedeating. That requires a full face shield! One eye surgery is enough for me!!!

Mark Stewart

New User
I think with all the safety stuff we do at work it just comes natural to me to wear PPE I dont put on my side shields but I do use ear plugs. When we lived in scotland the electrical safety officer got shocked realreal bad as my daughter would say because he was using an electris hover mower in the rain go figure.
Thanks Mark


New User
Guess I'm just one of those daredevils who's gonna get stung real bad one of these days. I wear glasses anyway so I don't bother with all the PPE and shields. My hearing is not what it once was due to many, many years of air horns, sirens, and gunfire; and I got more scar tissue than not these days. I grew up back in the day when we rode bikes in shorts and not even a t-shirt. Helmets and knee and elbow pads weren't even though of, and we had enough sense not to try to run in our Keds without tying the laces up first. Yeah, we got skint' up and bled and some of us even broke a bone every now and then, but we lived through it and went right back at the next day.

I'm not advocating throwing caution and common sense to the wind but if I got to get all duded up in helmet, faceshield, breathing appratus, and protective clothing, somebody had better show me the American LaFrance and get outta my way.

Oh. I almost forgot to ask........WHY was anyone in their right mind cutting grass in this kind of cold? Sorry to hear about the guys bad luck and I wish the best for him.


New User
Scott Smith
I "generally" wear safety glasses when mowing, and always wear hearing protection. Also usually wear a dust mask too.
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