Pics from the Newport Shell Carving class are up

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New User
Cris Rogers
Here's the album for the pics from the carving class (link above)

The class focused on carving the shell and getting the techniques down that would be needed to carve the shell. That process (very briefly) is:

  1. Transfer the pattern onto the shell & transfer lines from the piece to the backer board.
  2. Clean up the bottom where the shell connects to the top of the frame, so the transition is seamless. (V-tool and shallow gouge (#3-20mm ish)
  3. Rough out the outer third of the shell to a gentle sloping curve, starting about 2.5 inches from the outer edge & terminating about a quarter inch from the bottom outside edge. (#9-16 gouge or similar; smooth facets with #3)
  4. Create a boundary between the medallion and shell (#9-6) and redraw any lines carved away.
  5. Using the V-tool, create boundary grooves that separate the sunken and raised shell segments. A segment whose outer edge curves inward will be sunken; curved outward is raised. The tool should ride the inside edge of the raised segments creating a vertical wall for the sunken segment.
  6. Round over the raised segments of the shell, using whatever works (backbent #4-12, regular gouge use upside down, etc)
  7. Rough out the sunken segments using gouges whose profile will create a 'dished' profile (think we were using #8-20mm for the outer areas). The profile should be consistent throughout the segment, from narrow to wide.
  8. Carve the medallion, with the petals overlapping as they move from the center (stylistic decision)
  9. Finish accordingly
Obviously, there's a heck of a lot more than that to it; but that's why there's a class. I really enjoyed working with the folks in the class and helping to create a successful outcome (at least the learning part). Thanks Mike, Mike, Alan, Hugh & Bill - and of course Paul (he's my carving instructor/mentor)

L8r - thanks for looking. (if there's a better way to include the album in the post, someone clue me in!)
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New User
Cris, Looks like a great class and really good photos. Enjoyed viewing them. Thanks for posting.


Robb Parker

New User
Cris, great looking carving! I must confess I enjoyed DMB live at the Beacon on your blog almost as much. So I'm not the only Dave junkie here. Did you catch him in Raleigh this year. We catch the Charlotte show every year. It must be nice carving with no machine noise and DMB in the background.:cool: Keep up the great looking stuff.


Staff member
Corporate Member
Cris, great play by play. SUPER job on the mirror. I hope Paul offers it again.


New User
Cris Rogers
Hi there Robb - no, I'm pretty sure we're not the only two here... There are a number of Deadheads that I've seen in my post walk-about, so my guess is there's more than we could guess! We'd missed the Raleigh, but are going to Virginia Beach in 8-7 for a VA show - ought to be fun.

Thanks for the kind words about the carvings - you know there are some things we do because we want to show off the results (perfectly natural and rewarding) - but there are those other things that if no one were to ever lay eyes on them you'd still do them - that's me and carving. Sicko really... :D
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