Membership Critreia?

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New User
I was recently hired to work on a website for Bobby T. Goodson. *(Swamp Loggers)

As for your membership guidelines, it seems that I do not qualify. I am asking to be a member here.

Thank You

Travis Porter

Corporate Member
You are a member of the web site and categorized as a new user as you have a log in and can post and start threads. What you are not is discount qualified (DQ) or a corporate member which have different criteria. In order to become DQ you will need to provide your full name, mailing address, and telephone number in your profile and post a thread in the who we are forum.

The categories of membership are broken out in the corporate bylaws which is in the download library.

3.6.1 Visitors -These are unregistered persons visiting the Website. In general, they may
read all public areas of the Website, but they may not add content.
3.6.2 New Users - These are users who have registered on the Website and been approved by
the Webmaster as meeting the minimal requirements in Section 3.7.1
below, “Registration Requirements”.
3.6.3 Users - These users are persons that have been registered with the Website for
some period of time.
3.6.4 Senior Users - These users have been registered for even longer and have also met other
requirements that demonstrate their frequent use and participation with the
Website and the Corporation.
3.6.5 Corporate Members -See Section 4.1 below

The term “Member” as used here, refers to those persons who are Members of the
Corporation and thus have the various duties and rights attributed to Members of a Nonprofit
corporation as dictated by the laws of North Carolina
4.1.1 The Member must have already achieved the status of “Senior User” as
referenced in section 3.6.4 above.
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4.1.2 The Member must have paid the current Membership Dues if any is
dictated by the Board of Directors.
4.1.3 The Member must have explicitly indicated their desire to be a Member of
the Corporation by indicating that intention in their online profile
maintained on the primary Website.
4.1.4 The Member must have supplied the following contact information and
any other information as is required by North Carolina law. Legal Name Mailing Address Phone Number Current and Monitored Email Address
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