Maloof Rocker-After Class shaping Part 2-The back legs

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New User
Well here's what the chair looked like after shaping the rockers:

The 1st task was to mark what areas to avoid in shaping and to take the chair apart (this is like the 100th or so time it's come apart):tinysmile_tongue_t: Here's what the before leg looks like:

Then I marked the bottom around the dowel hole to make the bottom section round:

This is actually a departure from my original design- I was going to have it flared out at the bottom, as you can see in the rough leg. But after looking at a bunch of pictures of other rockers and also looking at how tight my leg-to-rocker interface was I decided to go round instead. So I roughed the shape out on the angle grinder, then used the spokeshaves to clean it up.

Next I cleaned up all of my rough band saw marks on the rest of the legs on the spindle sander in preparation for the next stage (rounding over with 3/4" round over bit)

(this is a tool gloat in disguise-I've been wanting that Rigid sander for awhile and this was the perfect excuse to convince the wife I had to have it)
Next I went to the router: You can see in the next pics 1 finished leg and also 1 unfinished leg-the areas marked in white are the areas that got rounded over:

I left the inside edge with a hard line as John taught us in class that Maloof chairs generally have a hard edge that flows in a circle around the chair:

Here's what they both look like done:

and here's what the chair looks like after today's effort:

you can really see from the back view how much lighter the back half looks now:

Tomorrow I'll finish shaping the front legs (maybe:rolleyes:)

Until then........

also-here's a cool link I found this morning looking around for rocker pics-it's a pretty good pictorial on the build process and also has a good "what tools you need list" -notice to John-this guy uses the Veritas dowel shaper too:gar-La;:gar-La;-sorry I just couldn't let it pass

:BangHead::BangHead::BangHead:clamps-clamps-why do I never have enough clamps


New User
Looking good man ... hopefully I can get some time with mine this weekend. And I saw that hidden gloat, or two ... NICE SCORES!
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