Lumber grading, FAS vs Select

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Robin Frierson
I was looking at some wood on Ebay described as FAS oak, but seller said it ranged in width down to 4inch. I though FAS meant a minimum of 6 inches wide. Am I wrong or did they change it. What are min widths, lengths for FAS stock. And is "select" lumber FAS that doesnt meet the length and width requirments but meets the yield requirements.


New User
A brief skim through the site I posted above shows that FAS is a min. width of 6" and 8' length. Select can be 4" wide and only 6' long with the same characteristics of FAS.


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Kyle Edwards
FAS is a minimum of 6" width and minimum 72 cutting units. Select is typically FAS product that a minimum of 4" width. FAS stands for Firsts and Seconds with Seconds being the highest grade. FAS F1 is one face and so on. Price wise there typically isn't any difference in FAS and SEL especially for the more expensive wood.

This is the official site for hardwood lumber grading


New User
Robin Frierson
Thanks guys, thats what I thought. Mostly I see "select" lumber offered but would always prefer the wider stuff. What do you think about this ebay sellers comments that FAS does allow 4in width?

Response from internetlumber
[FONT=Arial, Verdana]internetlumber( 316
[FONT=Arial, Verdana]Positive Feedback:[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Verdana]99.4%[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Verdana]Member Since:[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Verdana]Oct-24-01[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Verdana]Location:[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Verdana]NC, United States[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Verdana]Registered On:[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Verdana][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Verdana]Item: 1000BF 4/4 FAS White Oak lumber (8283523196)[/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Verdana]This message was sent while the listing was active.[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Verdana]internetlumber is the seller.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Verdana]FAS does allow a percentage of under-run to 4incehes, 5inches is required by grade. Average is significantly larger we just need to cover ourselves in the description of the product.

If you pickup there would be a $400 discount. You will be required to pay NC sales taxes. Also, this load will weigh in at around 3300#.
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Kyle Edwards
FAS does not allow for less than 6" width per page 9 of the NHLA handbook. I believe the confusion lies in the statement minimum cutting is 4" by 5' long. That is a cutting out of a 6" board of clear wood FAS 1 side and sound on the other without cup or warp and no splits exceeding 1 foot, wane not to exceed 1/2 length aggregate.

I think the pricing differential is nominal. The ultra wide and clear boards in walnut and cherry will ALWAYS be at a premium to FAS standards.


New User
Robin Frierson
You sure are right on the extra wide premium there Kyle, I notice a lot of dealers are now offering separate prices for stock 10inches and wider. I wonder if that means if you just buy regular select or regular FAS that you wont be getting any of those over 10inches. See Wall lumber for example, $6.50 for 4/4 cherry over 10inches:


New User
frigator said:
. I wonder if that means if you just buy regular select or regular FAS that you wont be getting any of those over 10inches. See Wall lumber for example, $6.50 for 4/4 cherry over 10inches:

Premium pricing on stock 10" and wider is nothing new. When I worked for a millwork company in the moulding dept. and had wide trim to run we ordered 10" and wider just for that order. It does cost more to get the whole unit of lumber 10" and wider but everything in the stack is wide.:-D

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