Look what showed up at my house.

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Robert Arrowood

New User
Robert Arrowood
my photos
Came home from work today and this was in my yard:eek:.Didn't even have to touch it YET.Some of it is rough but it's free.Rough cut white oak and one piece of cherry 11x5x12.Now What:gar-La;.Well I tried to upload picks but I don't think it worked:help::dontknow:.



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New User
Robert you must have some secret admirer somewhere. Free wood delivered :icon_thum:icon_thum:icon_thum
Unfortunately that Cherry burl is no good, and will bring vast misfortune upon your shop. You must send it to me for proper disposal while you still can. I have the powers to deal with it, and render it into a harmless pile of dust.

Nice score, I see some box tops, or platters in the Cherry burl and the Oak should be good for anything else made of wood :icon_thum



Staff member
Corporate Member
Dave, that is what I like about you. Always willing to take a shot for the team. Robert that is a nice haul. :thumbs_up Does your friend need anymore friends?

Mike Davis

Corporate Member
WOW! Robert, what a score!

Somebody really likes you!

That burl looks like several hundred dollars worth. I can't wait to see what you make with it.


Nice Cat - good for snaking and mousing. We have strays around often - doesn;t help much that my daughter feeds them. But at least they leave full only to show up another day for another hand out :gar-La;

Robert Arrowood

New User
Robert Arrowood
Thanks guy's for fixing the post.One of these days I'll learn how to post pix:icon_scra.The pile of oak is what the guy left me :eusa_danc.The Cherry Burl came off that HUGE Burl I posted a while back.More pix in my gallery.Got the oak ****ed today 45pcs. 8ft long 8&9in wide.The guy had most of it cut at 3/4in thick:BangHead:.I don't think he knew what he was doing.Hey but whow crying it's FREE right.I'll try to figure out the board ft later.Of course I know some of you will know right of the bat:eek:.By the way Dave what did you make out of the burl I give you and Tom?


New User
By the way Dave what did you make out of the burl I give you and Tom?

Nothing yet. I am still determining the best way to cut it up so I can get some to Tom and end up with the most usuable stock. Plus it is getting use to my shop air...yeah, that's it :roll::roll:

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