Hello from WoodWorkersParadise Marion N.C

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New User
Hello agian from Marion N.C, Here at WoodWorkersParadise.(828-460-0721.. Just a note to all, We are currently moving into a new shop on Baldwin Ave. open to the public . In the old Marion MFG. building, We recently bought out another woodworking shop combining the two into a new location, Stock consisting of everything a woodworker would want from Cabnit doors, Table
, Bed and Chair legs, Tabletops, Frames,Subassemblies All of the Henredon and Broyhill overstock.. kiln dried lumber, Hardwoods Softwoods Burels Hard to find exotics, turning supplies and every flavor of hardware you would ever need ! NO WHERE in the state will you beat the prices.... Please contact Jeff Newton at backpacker6794@yahoo.com


New User
Hey Jeff, thanks for the intro/reminder. Why is it that all the new woodworking suppliers are opening up on the left side of the state. You might be a bit too far for me to travel, but it sounds like you'll be a blessing to the Westerners. Thanks for being part of our community, I look forward to your input in the forums.


Alex Franke

New User
You all have a website?

We drive by that way every couple months or so to visit friends and family up in Black Mountain. I'll try to stop by next time ...


Staff member
Corporate Member
I 2nd Dave's comment. We need to move those mountains closer to the coast.


Just a few comments --

Jeff: we are happy to hear you are alive and well in Marion and the business is still in operation (I remember when you first joined a year ago);

Second -- All you flat-landers leave our beautiful mountains alone -- we love 'em just like they are and we intend to keep them here forever! You all just need to get on your buggy's and come climb the hills out west!

I'll try to get into Marion to visit one of these days, 'tho it is more than an hour away from me...
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