Google search - new feature

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New User
I've added a new search feature. For a long time, there has been the option of using the google search engine to search our site and/or the web and/or some collection of sites. Why would I want to do that, when we have a perfectly good search engine built into the site? Well, first and foremost, the google engine can give you a completely different view and organization of the results you are looking for. I had played with on our site and a few others and the results we very worthwhile.

But I never added the feature becuase the result came with ads. Well, now that we are allowing ads, it has become a moot point.

I've added the feature, becuase it is really an excellent feature. Play with it and you'll see what I mean.

Yes there is some extra revenue that is associated with it, but that's just a plus. There is no revenue associated with just using it. so only it when it helps your search.

I've set it currently to search our site and woodnet and sawmill creek. I can add or subtract sites or even go for the whole web. I would like your feedback on this. Also I've not yet integrated the look and feel as I would prefer, but I'll get to it shortly. You'll see the results presentation change a bit as I get time.


New User
I did several searches and the relevance was surprisingly accurate.
Did notice that search results didn't open new window or tab. Perhaps I need to check my Firefox settings :icon_scra



Corporate Member
Cool addition :eusa_danc

What do you think about adding Fine Woodworking / Knots ?



Recovering tool addict
Corporate Member
I like it! Certainly a lot quicker than typing in the query and manually adding "" etc.

Now if Google Search only worked for my workshop, I might be able to find my tape measure once in a while.....


Recovering tool addict
Corporate Member
I did several searches and the relevance was surprisingly accurate.
I know I shouldn't ask this, but my curiosity is stronger than my common sense....what did you search for?


New User
I know I shouldn't ask this, but my curiosity is stronger than my common sense....what did you search for?

jointer align
tune bandsaw

Just popped into my head as interesting tests :dontknow:

Are you going to try:
Mobile multi-functional shop utility convertible fliptop miter saw/ sander stand



New User
Slight problem I am experiencing is when you right click to open in a new window/tab you don't get the Google search function. It would be nice to be able to utilize it while making a post or some other activity where you don't want to close/change the current window.

Dave (trouble-maker):)


Administrator , Forum Moderator
Nice feature Steve. I personally like it and am having good luck with it.


It's a nice feature for some things. It was interesting to find my post from 2006 about the Celtic cross that I made for Michael. The pictures were not there -just the red x's, even though the pictures are on this site. Guess because it was that old and the photo gallery has changed some in between. However, I looked up scroll saw lumber here and on Google itself. The results on Google were much more useful than the ones on the first page or two here. I didn't go past the second page of results.


I like it! Certainly a lot quicker than typing in the query and manually adding "" etc.

Now if Google Search only worked for my workshop, I might be able to find my tape measure once in a while.....

I find the google search quite helpful and in regards to tape measure searches I have found that owning several increases exponentially the chances of finding one at any given moment :rotflm:


New User
I added the 2 sites and it works great, BUT, now our results are much lost in all the other results.:icon_scra

So I am thinking that I could create 3 different google searches.

NCWW only
Other selected woodworking sites.
All the net,

Thoughts please, please, please
Cool addition :eusa_danc

What do you think about adding Fine Woodworking / Knots ?



Administrator , Forum Moderator
I think I would like the searches separated out like you are proposing. To me that would make it much easier to find "our" stuff. My two cents:thumbs_up


Recovering tool addict
Corporate Member
Is it possible to include all three woodworking sites, but have the results from show up first? That would be best. If not - not sure. The forum's internal search does a pretty good job of finding stuff, not sure what a Google search for this site alone would add. But, I haven't really done a lot of experimenting.


New User
There may be away, but it would get into the details of the google search API, not a place I want to go right now.

The advantage of a google search for our site, is that it uses a different mechicnism to decide relevance. So you get a different perspective on criteria. I have done a few comparisions and have been quite "enlighted" each time i make the comparision. Since you know how to use the google site: parameter do a comparision on a few complicated searches. You'll be surprised.

Also, there is a new tag search that is available, but of course almost no one adds tags to their threads. But, there is some software available to auto fill the tag fields and to fill it in on ald threads. The tag search will then give even another perspective. Which is very good, especially if the tags are relevant.
Is it possible to include all three woodworking sites, but have the results from show up first? That would be best. If not - not sure. The forum's internal search does a pretty good job of finding stuff, not sure what a Google search for this site alone would add. But, I haven't really done a lot of experimenting.


Steve, I'm in favor of your proposed 3-tier search -- it sounds great!


New User
I agree with the 3 tiered search. There are many times when I want to find a thread on this site, or some information to add to a post (where woodworking site specific search would be very helpful) or just some general info from the whole web.
I would like to add a site that should be included...Woodweb. I have found tons of great information there.

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