Google maps - New Feature maybe?

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New User
Please play around with this I've only added one category for now, wood suppliers. See if this easy enough to add suppliers


New User
I forgot that there is an approve/disapprove function. I approved all that were there and changed the settings to what the author called auto approve


New User
This certainly has potential. There are a few quirks about it though. Even if there is no URL entered, there is still a link to "URL for marker" and "URL for thread" that link to blank pages. Even if the status bar shows that the link is to, clicking the link still shows about:blank. This is the single most frustrating thing about it, because you don't know which links are real.

Also, can you get rid of the "Text" and "Image" tabs to make the popup box take up less room? Every time you mouse over a marker, the map seems to shift to make room for that box. In this application I don't think we'll ever have a need for an "image", so there is no need for the tabs.

Also, along the same lines, you could probably reduce the size of that box by removing the lines for "Category" (since they're ALL wood supplier) and username and date. The "small text" line also seems redundant, since most of us didn't put any meaningful additional info there.

Also, some re-phrasing might help a lot. Maybe the phrase "small text" could be changed to "description". Then "Full description" could be "Contact info", indicating that's where the address/phone number etc are entered.

Also, in the "details" page, the "show on map" link goes to the wrong zoom level - I think it should be in the range of level 12-15 or so.

The final issue is finding the supplier location. I happen to know "approximately" where catawba hardwoods in Hickory is located, so I was able to place it on the map. I couldn't place any others with any confidence at all. I think it would be nice if we could use the address to lookup the markers instead of Lat/Long. Maybe we could get Lat/Long coordinates from some other map site, then use those numbers to enter each supplier here on this page...... ? But that sort of kills the user-friendly data entry idea.

I don't see a way to change any of this in the admincp, except the phrases in the phrase manager.

I think it has potential! :icon_thum I'd like to have this feature - these are just a few things I thought about as I was clicking around.


New User
Monty, I agree with you all points with one minor caveat. I think keeping the ability to multiple categories would be useful. SInce the package will only support one map per site, the categories might be useful so we could map several different types of locations.

The real killer for me is that there are only two ways to locate a pin, lat and long, or the having strong knowledge of where the locate the place by finding it on a map.

I will look at this guy's code and the Google supplied API to see if I could modify things to our liking.

Thanks for taking the time to provide the input.


I added a few sites in Region 1 last night but was too tired to comment then -- in addition to Monty's comments, I'd like to see the entry cursor changed from the "hand" icon (usually for panning the page) to a pointer icon. I did use the zoom controls to close in on the sites to get them as accurate as possible, but it sure would be nice to have an address entry capability.

Very useful tool for spatial info.



New User
Pete Davio
saw that tool bar last time, didn't think to try it out, it's not the same as the one on google's anywho maps....

Ray Martin

New User
I love this map function. I added Steve Wall (I think I got most of it right). This thing is really easy to use. I can see adding our lumber supplier and sawyers right away. Maybe we chould come up with a color code (Lumber supplier, sawyer, member, etc) before we apply too many pointers.



New User
Ray, I think you are an army of one. From the feedback so far, everyone else who responded has found it hard to use. And without a find address function, it is not particularly "user friendly". At least I thought that was the consensus and I agree.

I've looked at the code and the templates and the API and this is something I don't want to tackle in the forseeable future.

Don't get me wrong, I think the whole thing is a great idea but is not quite their yet.
I love this map function. I added Steve Wall (I think I got most of it right). This thing is really easy to use. I can see adding our lumber supplier and sawyers right away. Maybe we chould come up with a color code (Lumber supplier, sawyer, member, etc) before we apply too many pointers.



New User
It appears that the same map we use for members can now also be used for places and that map now has full address capabilities.

Monty, can you PM me the admin user id and PW so I can take a look?

Ray Martin

New User
Ray, I think you are an army of one. From the feedback so far, everyone else who responded has found it hard to use. And without a find address function, it is not particularly "user friendly". At least I thought that was the consensus and I agree.

I've looked at the code and the templates and the API and this is something I don't want to tackle in the forseeable future.

Don't get me wrong, I think the whole thing is a great idea but is not quite their yet.


No problem... I recognize the fact that I am somewhat of a bit-twiddler... I don't format Excel spreadsheets, I write VBA to automate them. I will defer to the group consensus. I guess this would be a lot better if it were tied to and addressing function, like Google's map.

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