Going to give away the sawmill business

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New User
After much consideration... I've decided that I'm going to give up sawmilling and logging for a while anyways and I'm going to give all my sawing equipment to my father-in-law in southern IL. He really enjoys running the woodmizer and he can use it to supplement his fixed income. I really hate to see all the equipment go, because I really like logging and milling but at this point in time he needs it more than I do. It's funny how when you get older and most of you kids move out how your outlook on life changes, isn't it?


Corporate Member
You should be very proud of your decision. I'm sure your father-in-law will put the equipment to good use. No doubt he will also be resonsible for keeping a good many woodworkers busy as well.

I can't attest as to life's changes when children leave the nest -- I've never had any (and unfortunately probably never will). I can, however, attest that there are most definitely events in life that profoundly alter our priorities in life!

Besides, never hurts to rack up a little extra good karma here and there.:icon_thum


Staff member
Corporate Member
I'm sure your FIL will be glad to get it. How unfortunate that it couldn't be passed to a younger generation, but better it wear out than rust out. Hope you enjoy your trip out west to see the g'kids.


Corporate Member
well that sucks for us but if it's best for you thats what matters. whacha gonna do now?:dontknow:


Corporate Member
Sorry to hear about you giving up the milling business, Jeff. But, if your FIL can use it, that is a very gracious thing to do for him.

Now. You will have lot's of spare time to get out there in the shop to "build from wood" as opposed to being "the provider of wood to build".:icon_thum:icon_thum

Enjoy your time with your kids and grandchildren!


Trent Mason

New User
Trent Mason
If that's your decision then I'm sure you have good reasons for it. I'll bet your FIL will really appreciate it. Enjoy seeing your grand kids. :icon_thum


New User
We'll all miss your expertise and hard work, but if your decision is good for you and your family then it's a good one. Very kind of you to donate the equipment to your FIL-sounds like he'll put it to good use. :icon_cheers

I certainly enjoyed helping out when you were sawing at Jim's place in Berea. Very interesting to see firsthand how those round logs become planks in the shop.

Mt. Gomer

New User
We'll all miss your expertise and hard work, but if your decision is good for you and your family then it's a good one. Very kind of you to donate the equipment to your FIL-sounds like he'll put it to good use. :icon_cheers

+1. Sounds like you're at peace with the decision which is a good sign it's the right one!


Ray Martin

New User

Sounds as if you're doing a wonderful thing. That gift should really help your father in law... as well as make him smile (also a good thing). I wish you both well.


Corporate Member
I am sure that someone here can find you a good deal on a lathe to use up that spare time. :rotflm:

Sad to hear you giving up milling, but sounds like you are doing what is best for you and the fam. all around! Good on ya.

Robert Arrowood

New User
Robert Arrowood
well that sucks for us but if it's best for you thats what matters. whacha gonna do now?:dontknow:

I am sure that someone here can find you a good deal on a lathe to use up that spare time. :rotflm:

Sad to hear you giving up milling, but sounds like you are doing what is best for you and the fam. all around! Good on ya.

Took the words right out of my mouth:gar-Bi.Not going to make it FLAT antmore might as well make it round:rolf:.

Hate to see you give it up "for a while".But there is one thing you will take with you and that is the knowledge you gained along the way:icon_thum.


New User
Kyle Edwards
I am sure if you get the bug again you can go to Scott's, your FIL or my place to saw a while..


New User
Jeff; Good luck in your future endeavors, whatever they may be. :icon_thum

Keep in touch!


New User
Well Friday is the day - the sawmill get's hitched up for it's ride to it's new home. It's I40 still detoured from the rock slide or have they got it cleaned up yet?


New User
Still detoured. I'm leaving for IN in the morning so I checked this afternoon and it shows late April (Maybe).


New User
Mark suggested I77N to I64W in Charleston, WVA to Louisville, KY. Then take I65N to Indianapolis. That'll work.

You could also take I77N to Cambridge, OH and hang a left onto I70W towards Columbus, OH. It also connects with I65N in Indianapolis.

About 6 of one and 1/2 dozen of the other.

In any event, good luck and have a safe round trip. :icon_cheers
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