Gluing Up Block for BS Box

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Corporate Member
I spent the morning jointing, planing, and cutting a couple of cedar boards for my first go at bandsaw boxes. That part went well, the next step got ugly. I don't have a glue roller, so I improvised and used a foam brush to spread the glue thinly. When I clamped the first block with handscrews, boy did I have squeeze out! :BangHead: I wiped away as best I could, but think I wll buy a glue roller before I glue the other 3 blocks.

On a side note, do carpenter bees attack cedar? I found a spot inside one board where some critter had built a small gray nest, which looked like a modified dirt-dobber nest (not as long, and thinner). I found this before I jointed & planed the board.

Camera batteries were dead, else I would have posted pics. :dontknow:


New User
I use old credit cards to spread glue over a large area. Use it like a spatula. You'll probably cut away most of the exterior of that block so the squeeze out shouldn't matter much.

I have a play-set with a lot of Cedar (western) in it. It has a 10 year warranty against bugs, rot, etc. Within a few days of putting it together the Carpenter Bees were working their way into it. Carpenter Bees make about a 3/8-7/16 hole. I hate them because they freak-out my wife and daughter. No matter how many times I've caught one in my hands to prove that they are harmless, they are still freaked out by the big buzzing bee type critters.



New User
I have a small plastic dustpan with a rubber edge on it that I use . I always get a lot of squeeze out but I let it squeeze and cover the clamps with wax paper . First thing I do when it is dry is to trim a tiny bit off of each edge with the bandsaw to get rid of the lumps of glue
Not sure if it a good way to do it but it has worked pretty well so far :dontknow:


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For large areas I use an old paint brush which I rinse out afterward. For smaller area I use small scraps of plywood spread the glue. Fingers also work.:wwink:


Corporate Member
Thanks for the ideas, guys. The downside to opting-out of junk mail is I get a lot fewer offers with the generic plastic cards.

I came across an odd piece of plastic at work that does dandy. I glued up the 2nd block Saturday morning, with a LOT less squeeze out.

Now my biggest woe is how much wax paper I use. The local Lowes grocery has wax paper for $2.75 a roll! :swoon: I may stop by the local Dollar General for a price check. Big Lots is a 30 minute drive, so that is out.

P Crews

Paul Crews
Corporate Member
I use a flexible plastic cutting board to protect my bench during glue ups of small projects. As I clean up the squeeze out I clean up the cutting board. I got a 3 pack from Wally World for little $. They come in pretty handy.



Recovering tool addict
Corporate Member
but think I wll buy a glue roller before I glue the other 3 blocks.
I bought a small dough roller at a house ware store. The roller part is about 3" wide, 2" diameter, made of some sort of silicone material. Glue doesn't stick to it. $10. I like it much, much better than the material used for the roller that came with my glue bottle.


New User
. . . Fingers also work.:wwink:

That is what I use. The glue is going to end up on my fingers, hand, and possibly face anyway . . . so just start with the finger :err:

IIRC Rob (McRabbet) and others have suggested using butcher wax paper that can be purchased in large rolls. Anyone remember where to find it?



Corporate Member
Fingers, old plastic cards, what they call chip brushes I get from HF, threaded rod and brad nails. :rotflm:



Corporate Member
I bought a small dough roller at a house ware store. The roller part is about 3" wide, 2" diameter, made of some sort of silicone material. Glue doesn't stick to it. $10. I like it much, much better than the material used for the roller that came with my glue bottle.

I've been looking for a roller like that. Where did you get it Bas?


Recovering tool addict
Corporate Member
I've been looking for a roller like that. Where did you get it Bas?
Well, that might be a bit difficult..I picked it up when I was visiting my parents in Holland. But I've seen them here in the US before. I'd try a Lechters, or even something mundane like Wal-Mart or Target.
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