Eagle Scout Project

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John Reeves

New User
John Reeves
I am trying to help my next door neighbor's son with his Eagle project. The project is to build 5 park benches for use around a Church playground. He has asked me what wood to use. I think he should not use any pressure treated pine because of the arsenate. I estimate that he will need about 500 bf of 2x4, 2x6 and 4x4 mixed.

I would appreciate suggestion as to spices and source.

Thanks in advance.

Travis Porter

Corporate Member
I believe arsenic has been removed from pressure treated as of 2005 or 2006. You could use it, or Cypress, or cedar come to mind.


New User
I would use KDAT #1 grade ACQ treated SYP if you need it in the sizes that you mention. If it could be done with different diemsions like 3/4", 1.5", 2.2.5" or 3" then go with some of the other weather resistant woods that Travis mentioned.
Travis is correct the new ACQ treatment has done away with the arsenate compounds (which I never believed to be a hazard anyway, but the government has to save us from ourselves :roll::roll::roll::roll:)


New User
I am trying to help my next door neighbor's son with his Eagle project. The project is to build 5 park benches for use around a Church playground. He has asked me what wood to use. I think he should not use any pressure treated pine because of the arsenate. I estimate that he will need about 500 bf of 2x4, 2x6 and 4x4 mixed.

I would appreciate suggestion as to spices and source.

Thanks in advance.

Besides the species mentioned, redwood is a good exterior wood also. I suggest you contact any millwork companies you know of. There is a list of suppliers under the site navigation panel in "where are".:)



Are you sure he will need 100 BF for each park bench? That seems like an awfully high number. I'd recommend White Oak or cypress for this kind of project and advise him to use stainless steel fasteners.


John Reeves

New User
John Reeves
I did make a mistake in the quantity. The total is about 75bf for the 5 benches. He has earned about $500 to pay for the materials. I am trying to get some material donated or discounted to help as well as use my shop for cutting and assembly.

Interestingly, the adults can use the power tools to make all of the cuts but the Scouts can only use a battery powered screw driver as the only power tool. A safe way to do this.

Assembly day is Saturday.

Thanks again all.

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