Disturbing Trend

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Administrator , Forum Moderator
Our founder has presented me with a disturbing view of the posting statistics of North Carolina Woodworker that needs to be discussed here, then taken to the staff, and then on to the regular members. I think we have a real issue here that needs our immediate attention. Look at the graph and let's put a plan together. I thank Steve for presenting this to us. I will email you all the graph. Andy, I need a good email address if you have a new one yet?

I don't want the graph public so I don't want to put it in my gallery.

The graph is broken up in quarters.

Andy, let me know where I can send the graph to.


I agree that the graph clearly shows a significant decline in activity over the past two years. Obviously, we need to look at what has caused it and see if we can make some improvements to bolster member input.

I agree we should not make it public until we have a chance to all review it and to discuss our future. I'd like everyone to look at their calendars and see if the week of the 9th or the week of the 16th of January is better for a BoD meeting. We can hold it closer to the middle of the state since we are spread out somewhat. I cannot meet on January 14th due to a meeting commitment here.


Staff member
Corporate Member
Read & graph reviewed. Thanks to Steve for creating it. I believe this issue was brought up briefly last Fall but I'm not sure any action other than noting it was taken.
I also wonder if the implementation of the 'Thank You' feature may have had any impact on this trend. While the graph shows a definite downward trend, are these 'Thank Yous' taken into consideration in the data? A random sampling of many posts will show them to be basic affirmations or encouragements of the original Thread topic.
And while the Post count may be down, what about overall site activity? Many times I will look at who's online and see that most of them are 'lurking' and don't actually post, probably using the site as an archival source on a specific topic - or watching for some random drama in the Threads.
Also, the 1st quarter 'spikes', I believe, may be attributed to the 'Santa Gloat Syndrome' as well as the fact that many people will stay indoors and online instead of in the shop during less favorable weather.
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Administrator , Forum Moderator
Read & graph reviewed. Thanks to Steve for creating it. I believe this issue was brought up briefly last Fall but I'm not sure any action other than noting it was taken.
I also wonder if the implementation of the 'Thank You' feature may have had any impact on this trend. While the graph shows a definite downward trend, are these 'Thank Yous' taken into consideration in the data? A random sampling of many posts will show them to be basic affirmations or encouragements of the original Thread topic.
And while the Post count may be down, what about overall site activity? Many times I will look at who's online and see that most of them are 'lurking' and don't actually post, probably using the site as an archival source on a specific topic - or watching for some random drama in the Threads.
Also, the 1st quarter 'spikes', I believe, may be attributed to the 'Santa Gloat Syndrome' as well as the fact that many people will stay indoors and online instead of in the shop during less favorable weather.

Very good point about the thank you replies. I have asked Steve to look at the time frame it was installed and see if that is a big part of the problem. I suspect it may be. Thanks Dennis for pointing that out.


I don't see a graph, but suspected this was a trend anyway. Not only did the "thank you" feature cut down on posts, but we have lost many of our active, long time members. I'm not sure the reasons for that.

I do feel that the times during which we were dealing with the problem children turned people off the forum. Heck, I didn't even want to read it. The question is how do we get those folks back?


Administrator , Forum Moderator
I don't see a graph, but suspected this was a trend anyway. Not only did the "thank you" feature cut down on posts, but we have lost many of our active, long time members. I'm not sure the reasons for that.

I do feel that the times during which we were dealing with the problem children turned people off the forum. Heck, I didn't even want to read it. The question is how do we get those folks back?

Graph was emailed as an attachment to you

Trent Mason

New User
Trent Mason
That is a very interesting graph. The "Thanks Button" appears to have been introduced on 8/19/2010. Here is the introductory thread by Toolman. I was never in favor of that button from its inception. As I stated then, it reminds me a lot of the "Like Button" on Facebook and IMHO, that button does nothing but make people lazy. Instead of actually writing a response, people can just lurk and click a button. I'm not saying it is the sole reason for the post decline, but it certainly hasn't helped.

Looking at the graph, the sharp decline starts in the fourth quarter of 2009 and has continued steadily ever since.

While I do feel that the thanks button has contributed to the decline in post count, I will also restate what I said in a discussion about this a year ago. Most of the dedicated members of the site are now (or have been) on the staff. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, except when you find yourself with a limited amount of time to devote to the site and that time is spent moderating threads, BOD work, etc. That forces folks into doing work, rather than simply being a part of the community. In turn, the posts that those folks do make are fewer and less involved.

What is the answer? Well, to be honest, I don't know that there is an answer. Maybe a new flock of dedicated members is in the making.... As for getting the older members back? I think they'll come back if they want to, but you can't force them to do it. Taking the Thanks button away might help....

As far as an in-person meeting on the 9'th or 16'th, I will not be available. I may be available for a conference call during the week though.

Here are two more threads from last year where this was a topic of discussion:


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Administrator , Forum Moderator
There are two more graphs I will email all of you once I get my newer laptop back from the wife. I am typing on my old one now. All of the emails that Steve sent me are stored on the newer laptop. Wifey tends to tear up usb ports, so her laptop is down. Going to sleep and the laptop sliding off of your lap with usb hubs in it will do it every time........ Gonna try to fix hers tonight so I can get my main one back.


Corporate Member
Sent Tracy a valid email and will update it for others.
We have discussed this before and even though I haven't seen the graph, I imagine it shows
what we have thought for some time.
I looked back through some postings for donation drives, and the site has grown in registered members, but - where are they? Another area mentioned before. I guess it looks good to potential advertisers to have access to 5901 members - even if only 751 are active. To me that isn't a large percentage and it speaks to me that there must be some issue of retention or something going on.


Staff member
Corporate Member
I've been giving this some thought over the last few days. I can see a concern over the trend of the graphs presented, but I also see a greater concern. When we start to treat members like statistics, then they lose their personalities. **** the statistics, take care of the members.


I've been giving this some thought over the last few days. I can see a concern over the trend of the graphs presented, but I also see a greater concern. When we start to treat members like statistics, then they lose their personalities. **** the statistics, take care of the members.

I agree, and think that that was one of Steve's points about the numbers not really being what we need to focus on.
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