Death of a member

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New User
I've asked Bruce to make the announcement in the member's announcements forum. It is clearly too late to doing anything like to go to the funeral or anything.

The reason I'm posting this here, is too ask your opinions on whether or not, we should take "official" notice of it or just let those us who wish to add something to the thread I hope Bruce will actually start.

junquecol said:
Max Hayes, aka Maximum68, died in early April. He was the person operating the raffle at TWA meetings. From talking with Fred Ford, I gather that he had a blood clot in his lungs, and died suddenly. I don't know exactly what forum we should put this info in. I guess with our ages, maybe we need to start an obits forum? This bit of news definately SUCKS!:crybaby2:


I'd leave it for members to express their personal thoughts. Many of us will remember his posts, but did not meet him due to living well away from the Triangle area.

My .02


New User
I would agree with Rob, especially in this case where we didn't know in enough time to inform the membership who might want to attend the funeral. I think unless the "forum" is notified by the family of a members death or people along those lines, then it should be left up to any members who might be close to that person to determine if they want to make an announcement about the passing.
I read about his passing today in the TWA newsletter. Very sad to hear, he was a nice guy.


Clay Lowman
I will agree with DaveO. I think we should leave this in the hands of the membership. Unless notified via a family member.


Corporate Member
I agree with Rob, Roger, Dave, Clay, Pete and Nick. ;-) Sorry to hear of his passing.


New User
One other thing... I wonder if it would be appropriate to have a "deceased" member group. For most forums this would certainly not be necessary, but we are a bit closer here.


New User
Monty, I think that is a great idea. That would "retire" their user name and let other members know that if they are reading old posts by the deceased member that they may not receive further communications. If that was done there would have to be a setting that would exclude them for pruning due to inactivity.


New User
We got an email today about Bob Ruskin (rmruskin), letting us know he passed away in April. This was in response to a "Happy Birthday" message that automatically got sent from the forum. It's good to have this kind of information, but it really made me want to find a way to prevent sending out "Happy Birthday" and other messages once we know that a member has passed away....

Deleting the member would result in all their posts and data being listed as "unregistered" or something like that. That wouldn't seem fair to the member's contributions. So, I went ahead and created a "Deceased" user group. That user group is set up so that their birthdays will not show up on the calendar nor the main "Today's Birthdays" section of the forum. When we are notified of a member's death, we can change their member category to "Deceased", and change a couple of other profile fields to prevent emails from the forum and to preserve their avatar/etc. The settings to change are the following:

Primary Usergroup: Deceased
Receive Admin emails: No
Receive Email from Other Users: No
Receive Private Messages: No
Keep Custom Avatar: Yes
Keep Custom Profile Pic: Yes​

This way, any other members will be stopped if they try to send an email or PM to the deceased member. Please let me know if I'm leaving out anything or overlooking something.


New User
I think I understand your question... if they have thread subscriptions I don't think they will receive notices since the "receive admin emails" is off. Right?!?!?


New User
I think I understand your question... if they have thread subscriptions I don't think they will receive notices since the "receive admin emails" is off. Right?!?!?
I'm not sure, but I noticed you used a "banned" usergroup and that will definitely do the trick.



New User
Chris Mathes
Maybe (???) we could create a group that doesn't send out email from otto matic, but would still send emails from the administrator? Personally, I really don't like getting the 'thread closure' emails, but still want to know that I'm getting other emails that could be important...thoughts?


New User
Maybe (???) we could create a group that doesn't send out email from otto matic, but would still send emails from the administrator? Personally, I really don't like getting the 'thread closure' emails, but still want to know that I'm getting other emails that could be important...thoughts?
Chris, I look into in awhile. Right I am overwhelmed from a personal point of view. Have to go to FL tomorrow or the next day.
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