Changes and changes and confusion.

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New User
Please read this thread carefully. If you don't you will not understand what is going on and will be be surprised:kamahlitu when you suddenly lose your DQ status.:gar-Cr

There are several changes going on simultaneously, while they are very much related, it is not obvious.

  • We will be sooner rather than later allowing user's of this website to become Members of the corporation that runs this website, North Carolina Woodworker, Inc. Members of corporation are the people that vote for the Board of Directors. This will give the members the ability to indirectly or at times directly control how this site is run. If you don't like our moderation policy, then you would be able to elect a Board that agrees with your views or even run for the Board yourself. It is a legal requirement that the Corporation maintain an up to date and accurate list of its members and the addresses. Therefore we need a means to collect and store those addresses without having to force people to do a lot of paperwork.
  • We currently supply Klingspor, addresses to qualify for their discounts. But the info for Klingspor was in a different format than we need for the State of NC. That would mean keeping the same info in 2 different places which would be a major waste of resources and time.
  • Over the last year and in particular the last 6 months, I found that a lot of my or whoever does this jobs, time would be much better utilized if we had contact info for our users. if you don't believe that, you have no idea how much time I spent try to get mailing addresses for the calendars or trying to contact people who were going to be helping at the Klingspor show.
So we are redesigning slightly the way we are keeping the contact info and hoping to encourage you fill in the info. However, becuase the info could be used for several different purposes, we are adding options that let you tell us what theis info can be used for. You still will not be required to provide that info, but I believe there is a better chance that you will, if you can decide how it will be used.

Both our DQ program and our Corporate membership program will at least partially use the concept of "active user" or "user in good standing" as a basis for minimum qualifications. What do those terms mean? Well, most of you will have some idea what they mean from a subjective standpoint. But, clearly there must be a quantifiable definition.

The definition we were using for basic qualification in the DQ program, has proven not to work as anticipated. So I am changing it to achieve 2 different purposes, more members qualified at one time and encourage people to introduce themselves in the who we are forum.

That brings us to the box on the right hand side of the screen. A lot of you are/were wondering why all that info is being displayed. First, it will only be displayed there until we have finished making our format changes and given some time for people to react. Most of you may not realize that there have been changes or care:swoon:(until something happens based on the info that you don't like:kamahlitu). So, I am displaying it where you can see it everytime you visit the site. The name and address info is being dispalyed as it would be used instead of as the pieces it is entered in. That way you can visually verify it. Info on wheither you are DQ are not is there and how long that status is good for. You can tell if and when we sent your DQ to Klingspor.

So please look at the info displayed there and make sure it relects what you want it to.
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Trent Mason

New User
Trent Mason
I was wondering why I saw that stuff over there. "Hmmm...... that's me, yep, that's where I live. Are they watching me?" :eusa_thin I hope not. :wideeyed::rotflm:


Corporate Member

I don't have any box with my address etc. on the screen. In fact, the little box that used to say I was DQ qualified is no longer on screen.

:dontknow: :dontknow:



New User
A digit is missing from my phone number. How do I edit to add it?

Never mind about the phone number. I fixed it. Of course, had I read the INSTRUCTIONS before filling it in, I wouldn't have had to fix it...:slap::BangHead::help::dontknow::slap::slap:
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Corporate Member
A digit is missing from my phone number. How do I edit to add it?

Never mind about the phone number. I fixed it. Of course, had I read the INSTRUCTIONS before filling it in, I wouldn't have had to fix it...:slap::BangHead::help::dontknow::slap::slap:

+ 1 ME TOO.:rotflm: :slap:

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"May be used by staff = No" this is listed in privacy options box for me on right side of page. What does this mean ? Also in the same box is "May be shared with Klinspor?" without a yes or no. I see I am DQ so presumably at some point I said yes :gar-La;


Recovering tool addict
Corporate Member
Glenn, By selecting Yes, you are allowing the staff of the website, to use your contact info, to contact you for website or website related activities. Even if you select yes, only a Webmaster or asst Webmaster my authorize this use on a case by case basis.

You can opt in if you edit your Name & Address in your User Settings.

Let's say you went to the Klingspor Extravaganza, purchased a new tool, and forgot it at one of the NC WW booths. By opting in, one of the (assistant) web masters could use your information to give you a phone call and figure out what to do.

Regarding DQ - yes, you are DQ qualified, and agreed to send the information to Klingspor. So you're good there!


Glenn, By selecting Yes, you are allowing the staff of the website, to use your contact info, to contact you for website or website related activities. Even if you select yes, only a Webmaster or asst Webmaster my authorize this use on a case by case basis.

You can opt in if you edit your Name & Address in your User Settings.

Let's say you went to the Klingspor Extravaganza, purchased a new tool, and forgot it at one of the NC WW booths. By opting in, one of the (assistant) web masters could use your information to give you a phone call and figure out what to do.

Regarding DQ - yes, you are DQ qualified, and agreed to send the information to Klingspor. So you're good there!

Thanks Bas, I found the place where I needed to opt in and have done so :wsmile:


New User
Hi Steve,
I think I have all my information correct now.
Thank you so much for all the work you do for the site.


New User
Hopefully I'll be stepping up to a PC, because my system sucks. I can see my DQ status, but no box, and nothing on contact info on me. Let e know what you need and I'll tell.



New User
Hopefully I'll be stepping up to a PC, because my system sucks. I can see my DQ status, but no box, and nothing on contact info on me. Let e know what you need and I'll tell.


Theo, unfortunately since this thread was started we had a little system crash, and some of the customizations haven't been restored completely. One of those was the DQ contact info box. So right now nobody is seeing it.
As far as I can see you have all your needed info present, but not in the new format. If you go to Edit your Profile and Options you can change the way it's formatted. You should see you information and the new boxes it should be entered in.
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